15559 - Human Motion Theory and Methodology

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Moduli: Laura Bragonzoni (Modulo 1) Elia Foschi (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Exercise and Sport Sciences (cod. 8512)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student has the basic knowledge to analyze and describe the mechanical effects of muscle activation in the kinetic chain. He knows also the principles of skilled human performance, the basic elements of the analysis of physical and the relationship between quality, physical and motor activity.

Course contents

The human moviment
Definition. Function of movement
Axes and reference planes
Terminology used to describe the movement.
Components and structures of the movement
Postural patterns (stations, attitudes, aptitudes)
Basic motor patterns
Motor patterns and dynamic
The motor abilities: coordinative (general and special) and conditional
Definition and Classification of motor abilities.
Motor Skills
Definition of skills. Motor skills
Motor learning
Mechanics of movement
Types of movement (translational, linear or rectilinear, angular or rotational, curvilinear).
Unit measures utilizzazte.
Forces, composition and decomposition, forces musculoskeletal
Levers (What are degrees of levers)
Muscle (property of muscle, muscle structure, mechanism of contraction, types of muscle contractions.
open and closed kinetic chains

Biomechanic joint
(Axes, axes changes, muscles involved in movements of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankle, pelvis, spine)
neurological bases of the movement.
Brain functions, delmidollo cord and peripheral nerves in the control of movement.
Proprioreceptors and reflections
Methods and Techniques of Motion Analysis.



- Anatomia Funzionale” – Kapandij

The teaching material made available online and notes taken in classes

For more appofrondimenti are recommended:

- Le basi scientifiche del movimento umano umano B. A. Gowitzke , M. Milner – – seconda edizione EMSI-ROMA

- Lineamenti di teoria e metodologia del movimento umano - F. Casolo

Teaching methods

The teaching consists of 6 CFU.

Lectures and practical exercises.

Practical exercises are carried out by dividing the students into 6 groups. Each group has 4 practical lessons of 2 hours each.

They are carried out at the Record Sports Center.

The hours of the exercises will be communicated by the teacher during the lessons and viewable on the teacher's website (https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/laura.bragonzoni4/avvisi)

Assessment methods

Final exam consists of a written preliminary test and an oral exam.

The oral exam can be accessed only after passing the Written preliminary test "Figure Exam" of THEORY AND METHODOLOGY of THEORY and METHODOLOGY (which remains valid for 1 year)

The written test is valid for one year

Written preliminary exam to test knowledge of:

  • First session: definitions of movement terminology

In this session mistakes are not allowed

  • Second session: description of a figure (global posture and alignment, and relative position and movement of body segments, holds, movements of single joints)

In this session are allowed 15 mistakes

  • Third session: analysis of axes and planes of movement of a figure

In this session mistakes are not allowed

Final written exam to test knowledge of material not tested by the preliminary exam, and to check students' comprehension of various aspects of the subject and their interconnections.

Each written test lasts 60 minutes

The final outcome of the written test is suitable or unsuitable. The eligibility allows to be able to take the oral exam.

The results of the written tests will be indicated on the website of teacher.

The final mark will be expressed in thirtieths (30/30).

Students are nor required to skip exam sessions. In case of failure, students can sit the exam again during any of the following sessions.

In order to take the exam, students must register via Alma Esami, in compliance with mandatory deadlines

There are eight rounds during the academic year: 4 in January / February, 4in June / July and 2 in September. Sometime there is a round in December.

The date, time and place of the written tests are indicated on the Almaesami site.

Registration is compulsory. The lists on Almaesami close two days before the beginning of each session.

Teaching tools

Power point presentation

Office hours

See the website of Laura Bragonzoni

See the website of Elia Foschi


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.