- Docente: Alfredo Liverani
- Credits: 6
- Language: English
- Moduli: Alfredo Liverani (Modulo 1) Gian Maria Santi (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in
Advanced Automotive Engineering (cod. 9239)
Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Mechanical Engineering (cod. 5724)
Learning outcomes
Students gain and apply knowledge of advanced CAD concepts and techniques by using high-end CAD systems. The aim of this lecture is to teach the use of the basic concept and technics of knowledge management based on PLM and collaborative design. The main course topics are 3D parametric and explicit modeling, feature modeling, surface modeling, geometric drawings, assembly modelling, parametric expressions and curves. Tolerances. Manufacturing drawings. Sheet Metal Technology. Mould modelling. Visual techniques for modelling. Basic stress and dynamic analysis. Single and Multiple optimization techniques.
Course contents
The course deals with the main CAD modeling techniques designed to develop the virtual model (DMU) of complex industrial products.
In particular:
1) The main geometry representation schemes
a) Structured and non-structured mesh
b) 2D and 3D mathematical models (Vertex, Line, Surface,
Solid, Assembly)
c) Main models for interchange geometries: IGS, STP,
STL, etc...
2) Solid modeling CSG and B-Rep
a) Main features of 3D CAD modelers
b) The main characteristics of sketch-based modelers
c) Parametric and variational modeling
d) Structuring of complex parametric models
e) The concept of history-based modeling
f) Feature-based modeling
3) Modeling of sheets using a specific CAD module
a) Management and implementation of development
4) Assembly-based modeling
a) Top-down setting bottom-up
b) Use of part skeleton and assembly
c) Structuring of an assembly: flat and / or sub-assemblies
and implications in project management
5) Modeling aimed at the product concept
a) Continuous curvature parametric curves: Spline,
B-Spline, NURBS, etc ...
b) Double curvature surfaces (free-form) based on curves.
c) Modeling of surfaces from edge curves
d) Modeling of path-based surfaces and the concept of sweeps
6) Preparation of the model for mechanical machining
7) Preparation of the model for making molds
a) Management of the history-free models
b) Integration problems with history-based models
c) Use of direct modeling for applied local modification
to interchange geometries
9) Geometry preparation techniques for structural simulations
10) The concept of Reverse Engineering and Reverse Modeling
a) Reconstruction of the mathematical model from point cloud
b) 3D modeling from images (photos, sketches, etc ...)
c) Comparison between the reconstructed and original model
for the verifications dimensions (overview on the use
of CMM systems)
11) Mesh-modeling concepts for the modification of
polygonal models
Geometric Modeling (Second Edition) M.E.Mortenson Wiley 1997 0-471-12957-7;
The NURBS book W.Tiller, Piegl 3-540-61545-8
Teaching methods
The course will be held completely in an CAD laboratory. Each student will use a configured station at his disposal and must develop the exercises by himself.
The teacher performs most of the exercises at the projector or exploiting collaborative design tools.
Students must perform the exercises performed in the laboratory and, possibly, exercises indicated as to be performed autonomously or optional (see Virtuale [https://virtuale.unibo.it] ).
It is possible to have an educational software license for installation on your notebook: the indications will be given at the beginning of the course for the best update of the information. The use of the own notebook in the laboratory is not recommended.
The student must save the exercises performed on their own USB memory drive from time to time.
Assessment methods
The assessment of learning takes place through a practical test in a computer lab that involves the use of the CAD system and the verification of the exercises carried out and assigned during the course.
The course includes the Idoneità that will be achieved by students who have passed the practical test and presented all the exercises appropriately corrected and verified. The final exam will have a total duration of 30 minutes for the practical test and about 15 minutes for the verification of the exercises developed during the course. Both parts of the final verification will be held on the same day as the appeal.
The dates of appeal will be shown on AlmaEsami.
Remote assessment procedure:
Teaching tools
The course includes the use of an industrial-standard 3D CAD system with parametric features, surface modeling and assembly management.
Links to further information
Office hours
See the website of Alfredo Liverani
See the website of Gian Maria Santi