Loans, self loans and 24h self returns

The Library offers the external loan service to all readers for the majority of documents it owns.


  • New users can register by applying at the showing your ID card and university badge.
  • Textbooks are borrowed for 30 days, extendible for 30 days if not requested by other readers, up to 1 time consecutively.
  • Dewey section books may be borrowed for one month, with a 30 days extension up to 1 time consecutively. From this section you may borrow up to 10 books at a time.
  • Renewals  are made via the library system Proroghe online service or by sending an e-mail to  Before applying for an extension you must wait until 2 days from the deadline of the loan period. The loan period can be extended if the material has not been reserved by another user.

Self loans

Students of the University of Bologna may register their loans by themselves, using their university badge. The self-checkout system is  in front of the loan desk.

Returns 24h/24

It is possible to return borrowed books 24 hours a day, even after closing time. The self check-in box is located around the corner of the Library, in Via Giovanni XXIII.

Loan by delegation

The Library allows borrowing by proxy, by filling out the delegation form attached, to be delivered to the Library Front Office with a copy of the delegating party's identity document.