Living cost in Rimini

A few examples of approximate costs students should take into consideration while living in Rimini.

Tuition fees and the purchase of books and teaching materials are not the only expenses students must incur. It is necessary to consider accommodation and living costs too.

Rents are one of the main expenses’ students have to face. The University of Bologna offers to international and Italian students information to help them find an accommodation.

Correct application of the accommodation rental regulations requires that you register your lease. Bologna University will provide its students with all the information they need and a support service for tenancy registration.


Price level, divided by Province: consumer goods and services (food, energy, personal and home care, fish, services, fruit and vegetables) and fuel  
The ‘Osservatorio’ is an information tool of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy

Canteens and refreshments points:

Bus tickets:  

Annual bus ticket for StartRomagna local transport for Unibo students:  

Other StartRomagna local transport season tickets:  

Train tickets:

Transports and mobility subsidies for students: