Anno Accademico 2020/2021

  • Docente: Francesca Fauri
  • Crediti formativi: 4
  • SSD: SECS-P/12
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Laurea in Scienze internazionali e diplomatiche (cod. 8048)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

The objective of this module is to investigate, with the help of international experts, a few different but interrelated topics: the history and evolution of migration and immigration movements, the impact of immigrant business in Europe and the young foreigners’ national identity formation processes, between opportunities and constraints (this entails issues relating to social and cultural interaction; intergenerational relations; citizenship and sense of belonging; future orientations). This new innovative module will be open to all students in Forlì and will include the contribution of European legal experts, historians, demographers, economists and sociologists in order to offer a cross-disciplinary long term view on migration movements and their economic and social impact. It will benefit from the Jean Monnet Chair contribution which will cover all travel expenses of the incoming international experts.


The objective of this 20 hour  module is to investigate, with the help of international experts, a few different but interrelated topics:

- the history and evolution of migration and immigration movements

- the impact of immigrant business in Europe

-  the young foreigners’ national identity formation processes, between opportunities and constraints (this entails issues relating to social and cultural interaction; intergenerational relations; citizenship and sense of belonging; future orientations).

This new innovative module will be open to all students in Forlì, including Erasmus students who can take it separately.

The module will be organized in 8 seminars plus two classes for presenting the papaers elaborated by the students.

The 8 seminars will include the contribution of European legal experts, historians, demographers, economists and sociologists in order to offer a cross-disciplinary long term view on migration movements and their economic and social impact. 

The 8 seminars will start ion November 10 and specifically they will cover the history of migration from and to Europe and the integration challenges and risks (including topics such as: the history of migrant labour force in Europe, immigrant entrepreneurship, the refugee situation, young foreigners’ national identity formation processes and their education opportunities).

Each lesson will focus on a specific issue and each guest speaker will provide a different perspective on migration. Speakers will include historians, sociologists, law scholars, and economists, from Italian and foreign Universities. Here's the program:



The Migration: Challenge

The case of Africa, European and national jurisdiction; immigration refusal/immigrants’ integration

November 2020

Organized by Francesca Fauri and Punto Europa Forlì

10 Nov. 9-11


Francesca Fauri (University of Bologna)

“European migration in the long run: an economic history”

11 Nov. 13-15


Paolo Galassi (Conicet/Ceina/Uns Bahía Blanca)

Human capital immigration: the case of Italians in Argentina

13 Nov 13-15


Gloria Sanz Lafuente(Universidad Pública de Navarra)

“Labour markets and emigrations in Spain in the XXth century"

17 Nov 9-11


Francesca Fauri and Donatella Strangio (La Sapienza Un. Rome)

“Italian migration to Africa: the cases of Tunisia and Libya”

18 Nov. 13-15


Paolo Tedeschi (Milano Bicocca University)

"A relevant economic resource or an important social problem? European institutions and the policies concerning migrants from the Fifties to the Seventies"

20 Nov. 13-15


Sabrina Ragone (University of Bologna)

“Regulation of migration between the EU and the member states”

24 Nov. 9-11


Giancarlo Gasperoni (University of Bologna)

“Educational Performance and Choices: The Impact of Immigrant Status”

25 Nov 13-15


Aniko Bernat (TARKI Social Institute)

“Controversial attitudes towards immigration in Hungary”

The seminars are open to all students and citizens


A list of selected and relevant articles and papers will be provided before each seminar, in order to allow the students to prepare accordingly. 

Metodi didattici

Teaching methods.

The idea is to investigate, with the help of international experts, many different viewpoints relating to migration and actively involve the class in the final discussion.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

Students will be evaluated on the basis of their participation in class and of the paper they will write at the end of the course and present in class in the two lessons we still have at the end of the Seminars.


Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Teaching tools:

Powerpoint, Audiovisual instruments, papers and articles.

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Francesca Fauri