Anno Accademico 2020/2021

  • Docente: Hartmut Lehmann
  • Crediti formativi: 10
  • SSD: SECS-P/01
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Laurea in Scienze internazionali e diplomatiche (cod. 8048)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

The course is an introduction to the study of macroeconomics. It covers the main issues, methods, data, concepts and models. Students will be able and motivated to follow and understand the current debates on macroeconomic issues, as they are reported by the qualified press and media. A special focus will be on understanding and debating the appropriateness of the macroeconomic policies adopted in the Great Recession, and the roles of fiscal and monetary policies for the EU members that have adopted the euro. Students will also be prepared to follow more advanced courses on macroeconomic analysis and policies, should they want to do so in their graduate studies.


The course is organized in lectures and seminars, as detailed in the following program. Lectures (28/26 hours in remote on MS TEAMS) aim to introduce students to the core tenets of the discipline. Seminars aim to provide occasions for in-depth discussions of class materials and exercises. The division into lessons and seminars is specified in the program that follows. For the seminar section, students will be divided into X groups according to their preferences and according to rules concerning the current pandemic emergency: one/two group(s) will do the seminar in classroom (16/12 hours) and one/two group(s) will do the seminar remotely on MS TEAMS (16/12 hours). Therefore, a total of 44/38 classroom hours are scheduled for each student. Students are required to carefully read the assigned material before the session and - in the case of seminars - active participation through presentations of existing scholarship and case studies will also be expected. Regardless of the health-related conditions and the specific organization of the course, students will be able to follow the lessons of the entire course remotely on MS TEAMS.


Date, topic and chapter of textbook referring to lecture




Introduction chapter 1

Data chapter 2

National Income chapter 3

National Income chapter 3

Money&Inflation chapters 4&5

Exercise 1


Labor market chapter 7

Labor market chapter 7

Exercise 2

1st mid-term: chapters 1-4,5,7 (11 points)

Growth: Solow model chapter 8

Growth: Solow model chapter 8

Exercise 3

2nd mid-term: chapter 8 (6 points)

Open Economy chapter 6

Business Cycles chapter 10

Exercise 4

Aggregate Demand chapter 11


No lecture - May holiday

Aggregate Demand chapter 12

Mundell-Fleming model chapter 13

Fri 8 Exercise 5

mid-term chapters 6 and 10-13 (11 points)

Aggregate Supply chapter 14

Stabilization Policies chapter 15

Lecture by Prof. Bolatto European Monetary Union chapter 17

Public Debt chapter 16

Exercise 6


Gregory Mankiw and Mark Taylor, Macroeconomics, 2° Edition, European Edition, Macmillan, 2014

Lecture notes at: http://iol.unibo.it

Metodi didattici

Frontal lectures, exercises and seminars

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

Three mid-term exams, one final exam and participation in seminars.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Modern electronic tools

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Hartmut Lehmann