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Urszula Tylewicz

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo b) (senior)

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari


P. Comandini;G. Blanda;M.C. Soto-Caballero;V. Sala;U. Tylewicz;H. Mujica-Paz;A. Valdez Fragoso;T. Gallina Toschi, Effects of power ultrasound on immersion freezing parameters of potatoes, «INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES», 2013, 18, pp. 120 - 125 [articolo]

Tylewicz U.; Romani S.; Widell S.; Gmez Galindo F., Induction of Vesicle Formation by Exposing Apple Tissue to Vacuum Impregnation, «FOOD AND BIOPROCESS TECHNOLOGY», 2013, 6, pp. 1099 - 1104 [articolo]

Tappi S.; Tylewicz U.; Cocci E.; Romani S.; Dalla Rosa M.; Rocculi P., Influence of ripening stage on quality parameters and metabolic behaviour of fresh-cut kiwifruit slices during accelerated storage, «JOURNAL ON PROCESSING AND ENERGY IN AGRICULTURE», 2013, 17, pp. 149 - 153 [articolo]

P. Santagapita; L. Laghi; V. Panarese; U. Tylewicz; P. Rocculi; M. Dalla Rosa, Modification of Transverse NMR Relaxation Times and Water Diffusion Coefficients of Kiwifruit Pericarp Tissue Subjected to Osmotic Dehydration, «FOOD AND BIOPROCESS TECHNOLOGY», 2013, 6, pp. 1434 - 1443 [articolo]

Tylewicz U.; Santagapita P.; Panarese V.; Rocculi P.; Dalla Rosa M., Non-destructive measurements of moisture, soluble solids content and water self-diffusion coefficient of ripe and unripe osmo-dehydrated kiwifruit slices by NIR spectroscopy, in: Frontiers in Water Biophysics, s.l, s.n, 2013, pp. 163 - 164 (atti di: Frontiers in Water Biophysics, Perugia, 23-26 settembre 2012) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Tylewicz U.; Rocculi P.; Nowacka M.; Romani S.; Dalla Rosa M., Nonthermal processing of apple and kiwifruit slices for quality and stability increase: Review, «JOURNAL ON PROCESSING AND ENERGY IN AGRICULTURE», 2013, 17, pp. 158 - 162 [articolo]

V. Panarese; L. Laghi; A. Pisi; U. Tylewicz; M. Dalla Rosa; P. Rocculi, Effect of osmotic dehydration on Actinidia deliciosa kiwifruit: A combined NMR and ultrastructural study, «FOOD CHEMISTRY», 2012, 132, pp. 1706 - 1712 [articolo]

M. Nowacka; U. Tylewicz; L. Laghi; M. Dalla Rosa; D. Witrowa-Rajchert, Effect of ultrasound treatment on the water state in kiwifruit during osmotic dehydration, in: Book of Abstract of the 7th International Conference on Water in Food, HELSINKI, s.n, 2012, 1, pp. 17 - 17 (atti di: 7th International Conference on Water in Food, Helsinki - Finland, 3-5 June, 2012) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Tylewicz U.; Lundin P.; Cocola L.; Dymek K.; Rocculi P.; Svanberg S.; Dejmek P.; Gόmez Galindo F., Gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy (GASMAS) detected persistent vacuum in apple tissue after vacuum impregnation, «FOOD BIOPHYSICS», 2012, 7, pp. 28 - 34 [articolo]

V. Siracusa; I. Blanco; S. Romani; U. Tylewicz; M. Dalla Rosa, Gas Permeability and Thermal Behavior of Polypropylene Films Used for Packaging Minimally Processed Fresh-Cut Potatoes: A Case Study, «JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE», 2012, 77, pp. E264 - E272 [articolo]

V. Siracusa; I. Blanco; S. Romani; U. Tylewicz; M. Dalla Rosa, GAS PERMEABILITY AND THERMAL BEHAVIOUR OF POLYPROPYLENE FILMS USED FOR PACKAGING MINIMALLY PROCESSED FRESH-CUT POTATOES: A CASE STUDY, in: AICIng 2012-VII Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione di Chimica per Ingegneria - Atti del Convegno, MILANO, edi-ermes, 2012, pp. 144 - 145 [capitolo di libro]

Tylewicz U.; Rocculi P.; Tappi S.; Romani S.; Siracusa V.; Balestra F.; Dalla Rosa M., Influence of biodegradable packaging on the stability of frozen pre-fried cauliflower, in: 2012 EFFoST Annual Meeting, s.l, s.n, 2012, pp. P2.12 - P2.12 (atti di: 2012 EFFoST Annual Meeting, Montpellier (France), 20-23 Novembre 2012) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Panarese V.; Tylewicz U.; Santagapita P.; Rocculi P.; Dalla Rosa M., Isothermal and differential scanning calorimetries to evaluate structural and metabolic alterations of osmo-dehydrated kiwifruit as a function of ripening stage, «INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES», 2012, 15, pp. 66 - 71 [articolo]

V. Siracusa; I. Blanco; S. Romani; U. Tylewicz; M. Dalla Rosa, PERMEABILITY BEHAVIOUR OF A BIODEGRADABLE ORIENTED POLYPROPYLENE (OPP) FILM WITH EVA PROOXIDANT ADDITIVES FOR FOOD PACKAGING APPLICATION, in: AICIng 2012-VIII Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione di Chimica per Ingegneria - Atti del Convegno, MILANO, edi-ermes, 2012, pp. 146 - 147 (atti di: AICIng 2012-VIII Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione di Chimica per Ingegneria, Aci Castello - Catania, 16-19 Settembre 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

V. Siracusa; I. Blanco; S. Romani; U. Tylewicz; P. Rocculi; M. Dalla Rosa, Poly(lactic acid)-Modified Films for Food Packaging Application: Physical, Mechanical, and Barrier Behavior, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE», 2012, 125, pp. E390 - E401 [articolo]