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Maria Teresa Rodriguez Estrada

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari

Settore scientifico disciplinare: AGRI-07/A Scienze e tecnologie alimentari


A. Kuczyńska; V. Cardenia; P. Ogrodowicza; .M. Kempa; M. T. Rodriguez-Estrada; K. Mikołajczaka, Effects of multiple abiotic stresses on lipids and sterols profile in barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare L.)., «PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY», 2019, 141, pp. 215 - 224 [articolo]Open Access

D. Mercatante, M.T. Rodriguez-Estrada, V. Cardenia, A. Taticchi, R. Fuccelli, R. Fabiani, Effects of phenols extracted from olive vegetation water on oxysterols, mutagenicity and genotoxicity of cooked beef hamburgers, in: Abstract booklet of the 9th ENOR Symposium “Metabolism and Oxysterols; Therapeutics for Lifelong Health”, 2019, pp. 36 - 36 (atti di: 9th ENOR Symposium “Metabolism and Oxysterols; Therapeutics for Lifelong Health”, Edimburg (Scotland), September 19-20 2019) [atti di convegno-abstract]

A. Zaazaa, R. Inchingolo, D. Ansorena, V. Cardenia, I. Astiasarán, M.T. Rodriguez-Estrada, Hempseed oil emulsion as pork back fat replacer in cooked sausages, in: Proceedings of the 17th EuroFed Lipid Congress and Expo. OILS, FATS AND LIPIDS. Driving Science and Technology to new Horizons, Frankfurt, Euro Fed Lipid, 2019, pp. 233 - 233 (atti di: 17th EuroFed Lipid Congress and Expo. OILS, FATS AND LIPIDS. Driving Science and Technology to new Horizons, Sevilla (Spain), October 20-23 2019) [atti di convegno-abstract]

F. Gottardi, C. Rossini, M.T. Rodriguez-Estrada, D. Mercatante, F. Battaglia, N. Mei, Honey discrimination by Volatile Organic Compounds analysis: comparison between GC-IMS and GC-E-Nose, in: Book of abstracts. Proceedings of the 6th MS Food Day, Società Chimica Italiana, 2019, pp. 148 - 150 (atti di: 6th MS Food Day, Camerino (Italia), September 25-27, 2019) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

S. Cirillo, J. F. Urena, J. D. Lambert,, F. Vivarelli, D. Canistro, M. Paolini, V. Cardenia, M. T. Rodriguez-Estrada, J. P. Richie, R. J. Elias, Impact of electronic cigarette heating coil resistance on the production of reactive carbonyls, reactive oxygen species and induction of cytotoxicity in human lung cancer cells in vitro, «REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY», 2019, 109, Article number: 104500, pp. 1 - 7 [articolo]

Vivarelli F.; Canistro D.; Cirillo S.; Cardenia V.; Rodriguez-Estrada M.T.; Paolini M., Impairment of testicular function in electronic cigarette (e-cig, e-cigs) exposed rats under low-voltage and nicotine-free conditions, «LIFE SCIENCES», 2019, 228, pp. 53 - 65 [articolo]

D. Mercatante, S. Barbieri, V. Cardenia, M. Masotti, S. Balzan, A. Taticchi, M.T. Rodriguez-Estrada, Improved oxidative stability and sensory characteristics of beef hamburgers enriched with phenol extracts from olive vegetation water, in: 17th EuroFed Lipid Congress and Expo. Oils, fats and lipids : driving Science and Technology to new Horizons : book of abstracts, Frankfurt, Euro Fed Lipid, 2019, pp. 302 - 302 (atti di: 17th EuroFed Lipid Congress and Expo. Oils, fats and lipids : driving science and technology to new horizons, Sevilla (Spain), October 20-23 2019) [atti di convegno-abstract]Open Access

Malaguti M, Cardenia V, Rodriguez-Estrada MT, Hrelia S, Nutraceuticals and physical activity: Their role on oxysterols-mediated neurodegeneration, «JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY», 2019, 193, Article number: 105430, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]Open Access

Cellini, Antonio; Giacomuzzi, Valentino; Donati, Irene; Farneti, Brian; Rodriguez-Estrada, Maria T.; Savioli, Stefano; Angeli, Sergio; Spinelli, Francesco*, Pathogen-induced changes in floral scent may increase honeybee-mediated dispersal of Erwinia amylovora, «THE ISME JOURNAL», 2019, 13, pp. 847 - 859 [articolo]

M.V. Acevedo-Estupiñan; G.F. Gutierrez-Lopez; C. Cano-Sarmiento; C O. Parra-Escudero; M.T. Rodriguez-Estrada; R. Garcia-Varela; H. Sergio Garcia, Stability and characterization of O/W free phytosterols nanoemulsions formulated with an enzymatically modified emulsifier, «LEBENSMITTEL-WISSENSCHAFT + TECHNOLOGIE», 2019, 107, pp. 151 - 157 [articolo]

Cirillo S.; Vivarelli F.; Turrini E.; Fimognari C.; Burattini S.; Falcieri E.; Rocchi M.B.L.; Cardenia V.; Rodriguez-Estrada M.T.; Paolini M.; Canistro D., The Customizable E-cigarette Resistance Influences Toxicological Outcomes: Lung degeneration, inflammation, and oxidative stress-induced in a rat model, «TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2019, 172, pp. 132 - 145 [articolo]

M. Paciulli; A. Caligiani; M.T. Rodriguez Estrada; L. Cerretani; E. Chiavaro, Application of thermal and physical techniques for olive oil adulteration and authenticity, in: Authentication and Detection of the Adulteration of Olive Oil, New York, Nova Science Publishers Inc., 2018, pp. 255 - 291 [capitolo di libro]

Cellini, Antonio; Buriani, Giampaolo; Rocchi, Lorenzo; Rondelli, Elena; Savioli, Stefano; Rodriguez Estrada, Maria T.; Cristescu, Simona M.; Costa, Guglielmo; Spinelli, Francesco, Biological relevance of volatile organic compounds emitted during the pathogenic interactions between apple plants and Erwinia amylovora, «MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY», 2018, 19, pp. 158 - 168 [articolo]Open Access

V. Cardenia; T. Gallina Toschi; S. Scappini; R. Rubino; M. T. Rodriguez-Estrada, Development and validation of a Fast gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method for the determination of cannabinoids in Cannabis sativa L., «YÀOWÙ SHÍPIN FENXI», 2018, 26, pp. 1283 - 1292 [articolo]Open Access

V. Cardenia; F. Vivarelli ; S. Cirillo; M. Masotti; D. Canistro; M.T. Rodriguez-Estrada, Does fried high-oleic sunflower oil impact plasma lipid profile and liver enzymatic activity in rat?, in: 8th ENOR SYMPOSIUM. Oxysterols and Sterols: from lipidomics to food sciences, 2018, pp. 58 - 58 (atti di: 8th ENOR SYMPOSIUM. Oxysterols and Sterols: from lipidomics to food sciences, Bologna (italy), September 20-21, 2018) [atti di convegno-abstract]