Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Rita Casadei
  • Credits: 8
  • SSD: M-PED/01
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and managing of educational intervention in social distress (cod. 9229)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - knows the theoretical framework and the main operational directions proper to the phenomenological paradigm applied to pedagogy and educational praxis; - has adequate knowledge of the different user profiles; - is able to apply the acquired knowledge in the design of educational and training processes aimed at the inclusion of social discomfort; - knows the social and cultural structures present in the territory and is able to activate exchanges and collaborations with them; - has knowledge and skills to promote training and updating activities aimed at community educators; - is an expert in the design of prevention interventions; - is able to coordinate and direct the work of social educators and social workers; - has good communication skills both in the relationship with the individual subject in education and in the relationship with groups of subjects in education; - is able to make use of the learning methods tested and the analysis tools acquired to independently provide for the updating and deepening of his or her knowledge; - is able to independently identify appropriate and functional training tools and paths for the development of his or her personal and professional growth.

Course contents

Education means educating for Life. During the lectures, the scientific paradigms responding to a holistic-transformative orientation of educational planning towards a training-education-reducation attentive to the wholeness and blossoming of the person will be considered. The purpose is to prefigure an educational planning as salutogenesis capable of promoting an understanding of the concept of well-being as being good, on the one hand, the activation of conducts in which being a factor of good (for oneself, for others, for the social community and for the environment), on the other hand. Care professions should themselves know, experience and realise the sense (resources, meaning and direction) of the pathways offered for the benefit of others. In consonance with the paradigms of neurosciences, the holistic approach to education and the new orientations for training in "life skills", the training proposal in question is in line with the indications of the UNESCO 2030 Agenda (with particular regard to goals 3 and 4 of Education for Sustainable Development.

The course objectives, therefore, aim not only to provide theoretical knowledge but also learning moments of an experiential nature in favour of an internalised understanding through meaningful experiences, ascribable to the body-meditative disciplines according to the consideration attributed to them by Embodiment in Education, interpersonal neurobiology. In particular, the activity aims at
- re-accredit health as a primary training need: a good psychophysical condition is a fundamental tool to better appreciate and realise one's professionalism;
- exercise self-knowledge: feel one's body, listen to one's breath, observe one's attention, recognise one's emotions, experience the body-mind-emotion interconnection;
- understand how to access one's own internal resources: train through exercise the ability to intercept situations, conditions, contexts of ease-discomfort, verify the possibility of intervening on self-regulation mechanisms, learn training strategies to re-establish balance between body, emotion, mind;
- improve communicative, expressive, relational skills: turn the work of self-knowledge into a path of openness and acceptance of the other, refine the skills of listening, dialogue, sharing;

-become aware of the strength and effectiveness of body language in communicating participation, sharing, understanding, on the one hand, in generating (for oneself and for others) a climate of listening, tranquillity, security and trust, on the other. 


L. Cavana, R. Casadei, Pedagogia come direzione. Ricerca di senso tra dinamiche esistenziali ed esigenze professionali, Roma, Aracne, 2016.

C. Palmieri, Dentro il lavoro educativo. Pensare il metodo tra scenario professionale e cura dell'esperienza educativa, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2018

In addition choose one among the following: 

C. Birbes (a cura di), Trame di sostenibilità. Pedagogia dell’ambiente, sviluppo umano, responsabilità sociale, PensaMultimedia, 2017.

Casadei R., Education: Questions and Dialogues (at) work, Pisa, ETS, 2023.

Cecicliani A., Aggressività, gioco e sport. Educare nell'infanzia e nell'età evolutiva, Bergamo, Edizioni Junior, 2023

Teaching methods

Group work activities and discussion will be encouraged,  research directions on reflexivity-expression-communication-relation will be suggested.
Learning practices through corporeity will also be experimented.

Seminar and educational excursion will be offered to enrich the learning experience, in accordance with the topics focused on.

Assessment methods

Oral exam.

The student is asked to be able to bring a thorough argumentation on the salient themes explored in class and on the content reworked within the texts. The ability to make connections and express personal reflections will be particularly appreciated, so as to overcome a preparation that is merely notional.

Teaching tools

In addition to the reference bibliography for the exam paper, articles, selected excerpts and other useful material will be used to solicit personal study, discussion and group work.

Office hours

See the website of Rita Casadei


Good health and well-being Quality education Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.