69990 - Laboratories II. (C)

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Moduli: Chiara Ruini (Modulo 1/1) Rabih Chattat (Modulo 1/2) Giulia Casu (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1/1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 1/2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Clinical psychology (cod. 0990)

Learning outcomes


Module 1/1 Prof Ruini: By the end of the laboratory course the student will be able to discriminate between different psychotherapeutic techniques referring to the CBT approach; be able to understand the proper application of the single technique according to individuals' needs and symptoms.

Module 1/2 Prof Chattat: The laboratory learning outcomes will be about: - Diagnostic, therapeutic and care pathway for neurocognitive disorders; - Psychosocial diagnosis aimed at planning interventions.


PSYCHOMETRICS (M-PSI/03) : By the end of the laboratory course the student will master psychological testing administration procedures;-be familiar with data analyses and their use.


Course contents

Psy /08 Clinical psychology

Module 1/1 Prof Ruini

Theoies and conceptual basis of cognitive behavioral therapy

Basic behavioral techniques

Basic cognitive techniques

CBT assessment and case formulation

recent developmens and integraation to CBT

Clinical approaches to difficult patients: Case discussion and role playing

Module 1/2 Prof Chattat

The main aim of the program is to build skills regarding the diagnostic, therapeutic and care pathways recommended both by the national and regional plan for neurocognitive disorders.
Students will receive core information about the main tools used in healthcare contexts in applying the diagnostic, therapeutic and care pathways (PDTA) as well as theoretical models for interventions. The planned activities are the following:
1- Introduction to neurocognitive disorders and models of clinical psychology to understand the experience of the person of his family caregiver.
2- The Global Action Plan of the World Health Organization and the areas of psychological and psychosocial intervention.
3- National and Regional documents on PDTA and the role and skills of the psychologist in this area
4- Care demand analysis, screening, first and second level assessments.
5- Psychosocial diagnosis and plan of activity for the individual, for the informal and formal caregivers

PSY/03 Psychometrics

Techniques of multivariate inferential statistical analysis: evaluation of experimental hypotheses and types of variables available for data analysis, choice of the appropriate statistical test, statistical analyses on SPSS, interpretation of the results obtained.
Main statistical models treated in class: descriptive statistics; exploratory factor analysis; General Linear Model: ANOVA (one-way, multi-way, multivariate, repeated measures, mixed model); ANCOVA; regression analyses (simple linear, multiple); non-parametric tests: Chi square test.


PSI 08 - Clinical Psychology Module

Module1/1 Prof Ruini

Williams C., Chellingsworth M. CBT . A Clinician's guide to using the five areas approach. Hodder Arnold (ed) , London, 2010.

Beck AT, Rush AJ, Shaw BF, Emery G (1979). Cognitive therapy of depression. New York: Guilford Press

Beck AT , Emery G & Greenberg R (1985). Anxiety disorders and phobias. A cognitive perspective. Cambridge, MA: Basic Books.

Perris C (1996). Terapia cognitiva con i pazienti schizofrenici. edito da Bollati Boringhieri

Carcione A; Nicolo G., Procacci M . (eds) (2017) MANUALE DI TERAPIA COGNITIVA DELLE PSICOSI CARCIONE ANTONINO, Franco Angeli, IT

Module 1/2 Prof Chattat

Wang S, Nussbaum AML (2017). L’esame diagnostico con il DSM-5 della persona anziana. Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore.
Reading material will be suggested during the course

M-PSI/03 Psychometrics

Gremigni P. and Casu G (2017) Psicometria e testistica in Psicologia clinica. eBook/PDF (available online; http://www.lulu.com/shop/paola-gremigni-and-giulia-casu/psicometria-e-testistica-in-psicologia-clinica/ebook/product-22395057.html)

Teaching methods

PSY/08 Clinical Psychology

Module 1/1 Prof Ruini

Theoretical contents will be supported and integrated with: Group work, role playing, case presentation and discussion, video and clinical interviewing

Moduel 1/2 Prof Chattat

The course includes a brief theoretical presentation and discussion of clinical cases, flowchart on clinical decision-making processes, watching movies, planning interventions.

PSY/03 Psychometrics

The lessons will be organized in practical exercises in the computer room through the use of the SPSS statistical package; the exercises will be either individual or in small groups.

Assessment methods

The Lab will be passed by verifying the attendance of ALL lessons and classes. The attendance will be registered by personal signature. Only those participants who actively attended all classes will be admitted to the final exam.

Final exams:

PSI/08 Clinical Psychology:

Prof Ruini:  Final written exam (1 question) based on clinical case formulation, following CBT approach, and applications of specific CBT techniques

Prof Chattat: Learning assessment will consider the classroom participation and quiz questions regarding the topic discussed during the course. The final exam will take place at the end of the last meeting.


PSY/03 Psychometrics

Qualification will be recognized based on the student's active participation in all the laboratory lessons, which will take place in the computer room. Incoming and outgoing signature is required. Admission to the final exam is reserved to those who have gained the frequencies.
The skills acquired will be verified through a practical exercise using the SPSS statistical package and data provided by the teacher, which will take place in the computer room.

Teaching tools

Slides, handouts, videos

M-PSY/03: For the practical application of the topics addressed in the laboratory, teaching materials will be provided by the teacher. Lessons will take place in the computer room; students will have access to the computers where the SPSS statistical package is installed; the teacher will use the video projector and the laboratory PC to illustrate the statistical analyzes being studied.

Office hours

See the website of Chiara Ruini

See the website of Rabih Chattat

See the website of Giulia Casu


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.