Foto del docente

Chiara Ruini

Associate Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: PSIC-04/B Clinical Psychology

Short Bio

Chiara Ruini, PhD. is Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Bologna, Department of Psychology. Since 2006 she has been teaching the course “Clinical Applications of Positive Psychology” for students attending the Master Program in Clinical Psychology. Chiara Ruini has authored more than 70 articles published in peer-reviewed international journals. She authored the books "Psicologia Positiva e Psicologia Clinica" (Il Mulino, 2021) and  "Positive Psychology in the Clinical Domains" (Springer, 2017), and has edited a book entitled “Increasing Psychological well-being across cultures” for the Springer series Positive Psychology across Cultures. She  serves the Editorial Boards for international Journals such as  the Psychology of Well-being, Theories Research and Practice, The Journal of Happiness and wellbeing. Her research interests are concerned with Positive Psychology, Clinical Psychology , resilience, and Psychotherapy Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 0547 338553

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+39 051 20 9 1339

Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della Vita
Corso D'Augusto 237, Rimini - Go to map

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Mondays, 11am-13 pm

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