28480 - Greek and Latin Philology (1) (2nd cycle)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Marco Ercoles
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-FIL-LET/05
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Music and Theatre Studies (cod. 8837)

Learning outcomes

The aim of this course is to know if it is possible to understand the ancient musical feeling. The student has to acquire good knowledge of ancient music, expecially of its importance for Greek literature.

Course contents


Special focus

1) Music in Ancient Greek Tragedy.


Core course

2) Rudiments of history and theory of Greek and Roman music.

Lessons timetable: Wednesday and Thursday 3 to 5 p.m.; Friday 9 to 11 a.m. (Aula Serra Zanetti, Via Zamboni 32, third floor).

Beginning: 20th March 2019


As for the rudiments of history of Greek music and of the texts with musical notations the reading of one of the following texts is required: M.L. WEST, Ancient Greek Music, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992; G. COMOTTI, La musica nella cultura greca e romana, Torino, EDT, 1991.

It is also required the reading of G. COMOTTI, La musica nella tragedia greca, in AA.VV., Scena e spettacolo nell'antichità, a c. di L. de Finis, Firenze, Olschki, 1989, pp. 43-61, and of at least one of the following texts: G.COMOTTI, La musica nella tragedia greca, in AA.VV., Scena e spettacolo nell'antichità, a c. di L. de Finis, Firenze, Olschki, 1989, pp. 43-61, e di almeno uno dei seguenti studi: AA.VV., La musica in Grecia, a c. di B. Gentili e R. Pretagostini, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1988; M.PATERLINI, Septem discrimina vocum: Orfeo e la musica delle sfere, Bologna, Patron, 1992; D. RESTANI, Musica e mito nella Grecia antica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1995; A. BELIS, Les Musiciens dans l'Antiquité, Paris, Hachette, 1999; A. DI GIGLIO, Strumenti delle Muse. Lineamenti di organologia greca, Bari, Levante, 2000; EAD., Gli strumenti a percussione nella Grecia antica, Firenze, Le Cariti, 2009; AA.VV., Etnomusicologia storica del mondo antico, a c. di D. Restani, Ravenna, Longo, 2006; E. ROCCONI, Le parole delle Muse. La formazione del lessico tecnico musicale nella Grecia antica, Roma, Quasar, 2003; A. BARKER, Psicomusicologia nella Grecia antica, Napoli, Arte Tipografica, 2005; ID., The Science of Harmonics in Classical Greece, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007; ID., Ancient Greek Writers on their Musical Past, Pisa-Roma, Serra, 2014; M. DE SIMONE, La lira asiatica di Apollo. Interazioni musicali tra la Grecia antica e il Mediterraneo orientale, Pisa, ETS, 2016; A. PROVENZA, La medicina delle Muse. La musica come cura nella Grecia antica, Roma, Carocci, 2016; M. CASADEI TURRONI-C. RUINI (edd.), Musica ed esperienza religiosa, Milano, Angeli, 2017.

The coursework for the students who cannot attend lessons is the same, but they are asked to substitute the class notes with the reading of the comedy Frogs by Aristophanes and of a Greek tragedy (choosen by the student).

Teaching methods

The lessons will be carried out as a seminar

Assessment methods

Oral examination, which will test (1) the knowledge of the historical development of Greek and Roman music, with particular regard to drama, (2) the comprehension of the theory and technical data of ancient music, (3) the reading of one of the free-choice volumes in the bibliography.

Evaluation will be unsatisfactory if the student does not demonstrate to be sufficiently competent with the three above mentioned aspects. In the event of sufficient knowledge, marks will range from 18 to 30 cum laude, depending on the level of understanding of the topics and the personal in-depth study.

Teaching tools

Photocopies as well as audio-visual materials

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Marco Ercoles