39561 - Mental Health Nursing (CE)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8475)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student possesses the knowledge related to taking care of the person and his family in the context of specific priority health problems with particular regard to the preventive, rehabilitative and educational aspects also in the community. It develops the therapeutic relationship as a shared intervention tool in the multidisciplinary context. Identifies, plans and evaluates assistance interventions and collaborates with other professional figures in diagnostic-therapeutic paths.

Course contents

Mental illness: epidemiological, historical, legislative aspects of reference. Evolution of the nursing profession in Mental Health Services and Pathological Addictions. The Department of Mental Health and Pathological Addictions. The main theoretical models of reference in the psychiatric field. The classification of mental disorders The nursing process in the field of Mental Health and Pathological Addictions Care planning applied to the main clinical pictures: mood disorders, psychotic disorders, anxiety disorders. Responsibilities and specific skills of the nurse in Mental Health and Pathological Addictions Services. Taking charge of the person with mental disorder: the role of the team and the case manager. The helping relationship and the concept of empowerment Psychopharmacology: responsibility and welfare problems Principles of nursing in aggressive behaviors, suicidal behaviors and substance abuse.


Andewws G. Hunt C. Jarry M. Morosini P. Roncone R. Ribaldi G., Mental disorders. Basic skills, tools and techniques for all operators, Ed. Centro Scientifico Editore, Turin, 2004

Barelli P., Spagnoli E., Mental health nursing, Carocci Faber, Rome, 2004.

Bounous G., Chisotti M., Sacchettino P., Vercelli G., Counseling manual, Cortina Turin bookshop editions, 2007

Carozza P., Principles of psychiatric rehabilitation, Ed. FrancoAngeli, Milan, 2006.

Chiari P. Santullo A., The nurse case manager from theory to practice, Ed. McGrawHill, Milan, 2011

Danon Marcella, Counseling the art of helping relationships through listening and empathy, Red Edizioni, Milan, 2009

Di Pietro M., The ABC of emotions. Ed.Erickson, Trento, 1999

Lassi S., Placidi G.F., Turchi F., Il suidicio: risk assessment and management, Pacini Editore, Pisa, 2004

Liberman R.P., Psychiatric rehabilitation, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milan, 1997

Hildegard E. Peplau, Interpersonal Relations in Nursing Care, a conceptual framework of reference for psychodynamic nursing, Summa Editions, Padua, 1991

Invernizzi G., Bressi C., Psychiatry and clinical psychology 4th e., Ed. McGraw-Hill, Milan, 2012

Sasso L., et al., General and clinical nursing for priority health problems, Ed. McGraw – Hill, Milan, 2003

Straticò E., Empowerment and mental health services, Ed.CIC International editions, Rome, 2009.

Tacchini M.G., Nursing profession in psychiatric services, Ed. Masson, Milan. 1998.

William R., Miller and Stephen Rollnick, The Motivational Interview, Helping People Change, Ed.Erickson, 2013

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons

Assessment methods

Oral exam in person / online (3 questions)

Teaching tools

Presentation with power point

Office hours

See the website of Romina Floris