72172 - History of European Painting in the Modern Age

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History, preservation and enhancement of artistic and archaeological heritage and landscape (cod. 9218)

Learning outcomes

The course will provide knowledge of the main themes of the history of modern art of the XVI - XVIII centuries through the study of episodes and moments of special significance. After completing the course the student will be able to proceed with the historical and philological research on works of art, to examine the dynamics of art patronage and collecting in Europe during the Early Modern period.

Course contents

Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer. The Golden Age of Dutch and Flemish Painting



Rubens e la nascita del barocco, a cura di Anna Lo Bianco, Venezia, Marsilio, 2016, catalogo della Mostra tenuta a Milano nel 2016-2017.

Vermeer: Il secolo d'oro dell'arte olandese, a cura di Sandrina Bandera, Walter Liedtke, Arthur K. Wheelock, jr, Milano, Skira, 2012.

Rembrandt, a cura di Gabriella Greco, Milano, Electa, 2006 oppure Stefano Zuffi, Rembrandt, Milano, Electa 2005 oppure Ludwig Münz, Rembrandt, Milano, Garzanti 1991.

It is required to prepare the lecture notes. 

Teaching methods

The course will consist of lectures (enriched by Power Point displays, download AMS Campus- Alma DL).

Attending lectures is highly recommended. Non-attending students will find the contents of the lectures in the recommended readings and bibliography.

Assessment methods

The final exam consists of an oral test.

During the oral examination, students must demonstrate to have acquired a critical understanding of the topics discussed during the course and a critical knowledge of the recommended bibliography.

In particular:

1. Those students who show developed analytical skills of selected readings and their correct contextualization within a complete vision of the issues discussed during lectures will be given a mark of excellence. Mastering of field-specific language and good expression during the examination will also be required (A =28-30 con lode).

2. Those students who show mnemonic knowledge of the subject and a superficial analysis of selected readings, as well as a correct but not always appropriate mastering of the field-specific language will be given a satisfactory mark (B = 25-27 and C = 23-24).

3. Those students who will show vague knowledge and superficial understanding of selected readings, limited analytical skills and a not always appropriate expression will be given a ‘pass’ mark roughly (D = 18-22).

4. Those students who show gaps in their knowledge and lack of familiarity with selected readings will not be given a ‘pass’ mark (E).

Who cannot attend classes must agree an alternative program with the teacher.

Teaching tools

Lectures with digital slides.

Office hours

See the website of Barbara Ghelfi