67174 - General, Applied and Nutritional Biochemistry

Academic Year 2016/2017

  • Docente: Paolo Neyroz
  • Credits: 14
  • SSD: BIO/10
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Valeria Righi (Modulo 1) Paolo Neyroz (Modulo 2) Emanuela Leoncini (Modulo 3)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Quality control of health products (cod. 8517)

Course contents

General Biochemistry, lecturer Prof. Valeria Righi

Biochemistry of Nutrition

Lecturer: Dr. Emanuela Leoncini

Food and Nutrition: Definition of Food Science and Nutrition Science. Food quality and safety.

Nutritional standards and guidelines: Formulation of dietary guidelines. Body mass index (BMI) and biochemical evaluations, RDA, food pyramids. Categories of nutrients, macronutrients and micronutrients. From nutrients to foods. The seven classes of foods.

Nutrition and metabolism of carbohydrates: food sources, digestion, absorption, metabolism and function. Lactose intolerance. Glycemic index, nutrition and diabetes. Dietary fiber.

Nutrition and metabolism of fats: food sources, absorption, metabolism and function. Saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Trans fatty acids. n-6 and n-3 fatty acids: biosynthesis, metabolic functions, RDA, nutritional sources. Cholesterol, nutrition and control of serum cholesterol concentration. Lipoproteins.

Nutrition and metabolism of proteins: essential aminoacids, food sources of proteins and protein quality, digestion, absorption, metabolism and function. Nitrogen balance. Protein requirements. Coeliac disease. Disorders of amino acid metabolism.

Water: endogenous and exogenous sources. Water requirement. Water homeostasis in the body.

Ethanol metabolism, Effect of ethanol on nutritional status, SNC, cardiovascular system, body temperature. Coffee, tea, cocoa. Caffeine effects.

Nutrition and metabolism of vitamins: nomenclature, sources and properties. Vitamin A, D, K and E: absorption, metabolism, storage, functions, requirements, deficiency and toxicity. Vitamin C: function, metabolism, requirements, deficiency and toxicity. The vitamin B complex: function, metabolism, requirements, deficiency and toxicity.

Nutrition and metabolism of the major minerals and of trace elements: absorption, metabolism, excretion, storage, requirements, deficiency and toxicity.


General Biochemistry:
I FONDAMENTI DI BIOCHIMICA di D. Voet, J. Voet e C. Pratt, edizioni Zanichelli

BIOCHIMICA di L. Stryer, 4a edizione, ed. Zanichelli 

PRINCIPI DI BIOCHIMICA di A. Lehninger et al., 2a edizione, ed. Zanichelli.
Applied Biochemistry:
, Stoppini e Bellotti, EdiSES.

Biochimica e BiologiaMolecolare. Principi e Tecniche. K. WILSON, J. WALKER,  Sesta edizione-Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2006 Milano.

Nutrition Biochemistry:

A. MARIANI COSTANTINI, C. CANNELLA, G. TOMASSI, Fondamenti di Nutrizione Umana, Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, Roma.

I. COZZANI e E. DAINESE. Biochimica degli Alimenti e della Nutrizione. Piccin, Padova, 2006

Teaching methods

Powerpoint slides' lectures

Assessment methods

General Biochemistry Lecturer Prof. Valeria Righi:
Final evaluation will consider the ability of the students to cohomprend the following materials:
- Structure and function of the main biological molecules (proteins, nucleic acids, sugars and lipids)
- Hemoglobin function and structure
- Enzymes kinetics
- Molecular Biology (DNA replication, transcription and translation)
- Methabolism

The final student evaluation will be obtained by an oral exame with a maximum score of 30/30. At the end of the course the students will be able to apply for a written test.

Nutrition Biochemistry Lecturer Prof. Cristina Angeloni:

Nutritional Biochemistry: The examination at the end of the course aims to assess the achievement of learning objectives:
- knowledge of the macro and micronutrients in food and their metabolic role
- knowledge of the role of functional foods and bioactive nutraceutical compounds in the prevention of chronic/degenerative diseases
- knowledge of the rationale and evidence to use nutritional supplements in sedentary people and in physical activity
- acquisition of ability to manage nutrition education programs.

Examination represents a separated moment of verification from the other modules and consists of an oral examination. The final mark is defined by an oral test with two questions aimed at evaluating the theoretical knowledge about macro and micro nutrients in food, about the possibility to prevent chronic degenerative diseases by an adequate nutrition and to evaluate the knowledge about dietary supplements and how they can compensate potential inadequacy of the diet. Registration through Alma Esami is required.

Final evaluation of the I.C.: the different scores obtained will be weighted according to the relative CFU and normalized to the total CFU (14)

Teaching tools

PowerPoint slides

Applied Biochemistry: PDF presentations in AMS Campus (online service "Didactic Materials").

Office hours

See the website of Paolo Neyroz

See the website of Valeria Righi

See the website of Emanuela Leoncini