The University of Bologna collaborates with universities worldwide through international agreements, aiming to foster academic collaboration in teaching and scientific fields. These agreements also facilitate mobility and exchange programmes for lecturers, researchers, and students.
International Networks
The University of Bologna takes part into a series of international university networks that share the task of promoting cooperative activities in diverse fields and seek to create a communal European area of higher education and research.
Una Europa - European University Alliance
Some leading European universities have signed an agreement that aims to create a shared, multilingual and multidisciplinary academic space that may lead to a truly European University.
European Projects of Education and Training
The Internationalisation Strategy of our University is based on the recognition and enhancement of the variety of subjects offered, along with skill in networking with foreign Universities. European Projects for Education and Training are an important tool to achieve the internationalization goals, therefore Unibo is actively involved in all the Erasmus+ Programme.
Our European Projects of Education and Training
Opportunities for international staff, professors, and researchers
International professors and researchers, and professional staff members have the opportunity to undertake an experience at the University of Bologna for training, teaching, and researching.
Opportunities for international staff, professors, and researchers
Magna Charta Observatory
The Magna Charta Universitatum was drafted in 1988, marking the University of Bologna's ninth centenary. This document seeks to define and uphold the core values of university institutions: institutional autonomy and academic freedom, which denote universities' ethical and scholarly independence from political and economic influences. It also stresses the inseparable connection between teaching and research, along with social responsibility and international collaboration. Today, the Magna Charta Universitatum is endorsed by nearly 1000 universities worldwide.
SSRD - Unità professionale Supporto e coordinamento dell'attività e delle strategie di internazionalizzazione
Via Zamboni 33 Bologna (BO)
See also
- Bologna Process Published
Incoming and outgoing international mobility
Explore opportunities to spend a mobility period abroad or participating in a study exchange programme in Italy.