74769 - Internet and Social Media Law

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Moduli: Giusella Dolores Finocchiaro (Modulo 1) Alberto Avitabile (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9232)

Learning outcomes

After this course, the student knows the legal issues related to the economic activities on the Internet and the related implications from a private law perspective. The student acquires basic knowledge in relation to contract law and civil liability.

Course contents

▪ Le fonti del diritto nel mondo di Internet
▪ La legge applicabile agli atti giuridici compiuti con mezzi informatici. La giurisdizione competente
▪ Il commercio elettronico. Il contratto come principale strumento di innovazione e di regolazione giuridica su Internet
▪ I contratti per l'accesso alla rete
▪ I contratti del commercio elettronico (fra imprese e fra imprese e consumatori)
▪ I contratti ad oggetto informatico (contratto di sviluppo, contratto di licenza d'uso, ecc.)
▪ I nuovi contratti atipici
▪ La tutela del consumatore nel commercio elettronico
▪ La firma digitale e le firme elettroniche. Le prove informatiche
▪ La tutela dei diritti della personalità su Internet.
▪ Il trattamento dei dati personali: privacy, anonimato ed esigenze di informazione.
▪ La lesione dei diritti della personalità con mezzi informatici: tutela cautelare e risarcimento del danno
▪ La tutela dei beni informatici fra diritto d'autore, brevetto e diritto sui generis. La tutela dei domain names
▪ La responsabilità civile del provider
▪ I titoli di credito informatici. I mezzi di pagamento. La moneta elettronica


G. Finocchiaro, "Manuale di diritto di internet", 3a ed., Zanichelli, 2020

Teaching methods

▪ Traditional classes
▪ Case study

Assessment methods


The aim of the exam is to verify knowledge of the most important private law issues, including the capacity to make the necessary logical-deductive connections.
The final grade will be calculated according to the following general criteria: Basic preparation on the basic topics in the program, analytical skills only exhibited when prompted by the teacher; generally proper language, but without using technical terms: 18-20; Preparation on the whole program, with autonomous but limited analytical skills, proper language, including the most important technicalities: 21-24;

Preparation on the whole program, with autonomous analytical skills, proper knowledge of the specific terminology: 25-29;

Preparation on the whole program, with independent and in-depth analytical skills, full mastery of the specific terminology and capacity to put forward proper arguments: 30-30L.

Erasmus students must study the program above.


Students are allowed to take the exam only after having taken Private Law and Constitutional Law examination.


Teaching tools

Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who need compensatory tools may communicate their needs to the Lecturer and be addressed to a referee, with whom they can agree the adoption of the most suitable arrangements.

Office hours

See the website of Giusella Dolores Finocchiaro

See the website of Alberto Avitabile


Quality education Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.