81852 - Catalan Literature (LM)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Modern, Post-Colonial and Comparative Literatures (cod. 0981)

Learning outcomes

The student has a deep knowledge of the contemporary literature in Catalan, with particular regard to the relationships between literary texts and history, language and the arts. She/he is able to use critical methodologies to read and analyze literary texts. In particular, the course will be focused on some literary texts and authors of the XX century.

Course contents

The course, which is taught in Italian, aims to reflect on the postmodern debate in the fields of philosophy, sociology and literature, with the aim of tracing and analyzing the main literary testimonies in the Catalan context from the end of the twentieth century to the nowadays, with particular attention to the texts of Quim Monzó.

1.About the literature
2. An infinite debate: modern vs. post-modern
3. Postmodern (or postmodernity) Catalan fiction
themes and motifs
authors and works

During the sessions dedicated to the Translation and Critical Writing Laboratory we will work on a collection of current texts, of which we will perform an accurate analysis and subsequent translation of a selection of passages and, on the occasion of Dia Mundial de la Poesia 2022, we will dedicate a series of introductory lessons to contemporary Catalan poetry with proposals for translation exercises, starting from Maria Mercè Marçal, and we will reach our days with the poetics of the body, trying to establish a dialogue between Catalan countries and Italy through reference authors such as Mariangela Gualtieri, Maria Grazia Calandrone or Lucia Pietrelli.

This course does not require previous knowledge of the Catalan language.


Letture obbligatorie: (gli studenti possono scegliere la lingua di lettura):

  • Quim Monzó, La magnitud de la tragèdia, Quaderns Crema, 1989.

Disponibile anche in italiano: La magnitudo della tragedia, Milano, Marcos & Marcos, 1995. Traduzione di Gina Maneri

  • Ferran Torrent *scegliere una singola opera a) o b)

a) Gràcies per la propina, Barcelona, Columna, 1994.

Disponibile anche in spagnolo: Gracias por la propina, Barcelona, Columna, 1994

b) La vida en l’abisme, Barcelona, Columna, 2004.

Disponibile anche in spagnolo: La vida en el abismo, Barcelona, Planeta, 2004

  • Sebastià Portell, Transbord, Palma, Lleonard Muntaner, 2018.


Laboratorio di traduzione: (i brani studiati verranno messi a disposizione sulla piattaforma Virtuale)

  • Quim Monzó, El perquè de tot plegat, Barcelona, Quaderns Crema, 1993.

Guadalajara, Barcelona, Quaderns Crema, 1996.

  • Eva Baltasar, Permagel, Barcelona, El Club Editor, 2018.

  • Marta Rojals, L’altra, Barcelona, RBA, 2014.

  • Sebastià Portell, Ariel i els cossos, Barcelona, Empúries, 2019.

Transbord, Palma, Lleonard Muntaner, 2018 [teatre]


Manuali consigliati:

  • Jordi Marrugat: Narrativa catalana de la postmodernitat. Històries, formes i motius, Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2014.

  • Vicent Simbor: La narrativa catalana del segle XX, Alzira, Bromera, 2005.

  • Àlex Broch & Joan Cornudella (a cura di): Novel·la catalana avui 1990-2016, Juneda, Fonoll, 2017.

  • Susan Bassnett: La traduzione. Teorie e pratica, Milano, Bompiani, 1999

Bibliografia critica di riferimento:

  • Francesco Ardolino: «La postmodernità letteraria e culturale», Projecte acadèmic. Pla d’actuació docent i projecte de recerca, 2010, pp. 177-194.

–––«Per a una història de la literatura catalana a la Postmodernitat», Els Marges 103, Primavera 2014, pp. 88-107.

  • Julià Guillamon: La ciutat interrompuda, Barcelona, Anagrama, 2019.

  • Víctor Martínez-Gil: «El lloc de la literatura en la societat postmoderna», B de Riquer (a cura di): Història, política, societat i cultura als Països Catalans, vol. 12, Barcelona, Enciclopèdia Catalana, 1999, pp. 314-325.

  • **Josep Camps & Maria Dacsa: La narrativa catalana al segle XXI, balanç crític, Barcelona, Societat Catalana de Llengua i Literatura (IEC), 2019.

  • John Barth: «La literatura de l’exhauriment» e «La literatura del reompliment», Els Marges, 27-29 gener-setembre de 1983, pp. 269-289. [disponibile in inglese e in italiano]

  • Italo Calvino: Lezioni americane: sei proposte per il prossimo millennio, Milano, Garzanti, 1988.

  • Umberto Eco: Postille a “Il nome della rosa”, Alfabeta, 49, giugno 1983.



**Ollé, Manel (2019). «Disset microrelats de la ficció narrativa breu del segle xxi». Dins de La Narrativa catalana al segle XXI, balanç crític. Editat per Camps i Dasca. Barcelona: Societat Catalana de Llengua i Literatura (IEC)


Ulteriori articoli verranno forniti durante il corso.


Teaching methods

Seminar teaching and translation and critical writing workshops. Possibility to participate in introductory activities to the Catalan language.

Assessment methods

Verification of learning takes place through
-the writing of a literary critical review accompanied by a short translation of a passage not previously seen in class
- an oral exam in Italian lasting about 20 minutes on the contents of the course.

During the sessions of the translation and critical writing laboratory, in addition to the exercise on the Italian translation of a selection of literary passages, there will be a space dedicated to the critical writing of a literary review.

In the oral exam the following will be assessed:
- the consistency of the answers with the questions posed by the teacher;
- the candidate's ability to present the course contents in a clear and effective way, using a scientifically appropriate vocabulary;
- the candidate's ability to make connections on the various topics

The evaluation will also take into account the active participation in the lessons and cultural activities proposed by the teacher

Teaching tools

Literary and cultural meetings will be organized in Catalan, Spanish and Italian and, in order to learn more about Catalan culture and language, students will have the opportunity to join the conversation group of the Aperitivo Linguistico in Catalano.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Paula Marques Hernandez


Gender equality Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities Climate Action

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.