One Health Summer School

One Health works towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and explores how health of humans, animals, other organisms and the environment are inextricably linked. The Summer School will be held at the University of Edinburgh.

Year 2022
Credits Programme without credits
Starting date Jul 25, 2022
Finishing date Aug 05, 2022
Application deadline Apr 28, 2022 (Expired)
Una Europa Initiative The programme is developed within the Una Europa Alliance framework.
Course overview
The Una Europa One Health Summer School will bring together students and staff from across our Alliance and beyond to explore interdisciplinary issues and work towards building solutions together. You will develop your knowledge of One Health and/ or Planetary Health by tackling a related global challenge, working with other undergraduate students from European and International universities to develop and pitch an idea.
Subject area
Health, Sociology, Economics, Law
12 days

Projects team, University of Edinburgh


Projects team, University of Edinburgh