Academic Year | 2021-2022 |
Subject area | Humanistic Studies |
Cycle | 37 |
Coordinator | Prof. Gabriella Elina Imposti |
Language |
Russian, French, English, Chinese, Portuguese, German, Italian, Spanish
Curriculum 1: Italian, French, English Curriculum 2: Italian, English, Spanish Curriculum 3: Italian, French, Japanese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, German Curriculum 4: Italian, Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, English, Dutch, Spanish, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, German |
Duration | 3 years |
Positions | 9 positions. More information in the PhD Programme Table. |
Application deadline | May 21, 2021 at 12:00 PM (Expired) |
Enrolment period | From Jul 15, 2021 to Jul 26, 2021 |
Doctoral programme start date | Nov 01, 2021 |
- Operating centre
- Bologna
- Main Department
Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - LILEC
- Mobility abroad
- Indicated in the PhD Programme Table
- Curricula
- DESE - European Literatures
- EDGES - Women's and Gender Studies
- World Literature and Postcolonial Studies
- LINGMOD - Modern Languages Studies
- Research topics
Curriculum 1: DESE - European Literatures
In accordance with the Excellence Project "Diversity and Inclusion" pursued by the Department, the curriculum develops literary research in a supranational dimension in order to train specialists fluent in at least 3 languages who can manage different research typolologies, methodologies and cultural contexts in a strong international dimension thanks to agreements and conventions with foreign institutions. The theme for the 37th cycle of the PhD Programme is “European Utopias”. Fluent knowledge of Italian, French and English is mandatory along with other possible languages connected with the topic of the dissertation. The vehicular language in the PhD Programme is French, the dissertation can be written either in French or in English. The discussion during the final exam will be in the languages the PhD candidate is required to know.
Curriculum 2: EDGES - Women's and Gender Studies
EDGES aims to investigate literature and cultural studies, gender methodologies and gender theories as places for the production, circulation and consolidation of cultures of equality, the valorization of diversity and social inclusion. In this perspective, EDGES shares the research aims of LILEC’s mission on “Diversity and Inclusion”. Interdisciplinarity is a privileged perspective of the curriculum. The scientific Programme is based on literary history and criticism, cultural studies, women’s and gender studies, critical theories, and literature as a space for the production of critical thinking, the analysis of texts of different literary genres within their historical and cultural context, and the relationship between literature and visual cultures in a gender perspective. The research theme for the 37th call of the PhD Programme concerns the study of Utopia in its various forms. EDGES will privilege the development of this theme from a gender perspective, following in particular the literary production and utopianism from Early Modern to the contemporary age. Utopia, dystopia and science fiction will also be analysed in contemporary literatures and visual cultures. EDGES includes a mandatory training internship on the subject of equal opportunities, access to education and valorization of diversity.
Curriculum 3: World Literature and Postcolonial Studies
In accordance with the "Diversity and Inclusion (Dive-In)" Excellence Project pursued by the Department, the curriculum World Literature and Post colonial studies will offer theoretical approaches as well as cross-disciplinary and methodological insights in the specific areas of Postcolonial Studies, Transmedia studies, Border studies, Heritage studies, analysis of New Forms of textuality which are increasingly widespread in contemporary society. Particular attention will be devoted to the functioning of the world publishing market, translation policies, Migratory Phenomena and, more generally, the loosening of that link between language, culture and territory on which for at least two centuries the study of national literatures and the literary field partition were based. The topic of the projects to be submitted for the 37th cycle is "Utopia and dystopia" in its various forms.
Curriculum 4: LINGMOD - Modern Languages Studies
This curriculum involves teaching and research on modern languages from the perspectives of pragmatics, communication, translation and translation theory, aiming to train specialists in at least two languages in different theories and methodologies. Languages must be chosen from the following: Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, English, Dutch, Spanish, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, German. The curriculum aims to provide a high level of scientific expertise, as needed to tackle linguistic and cultural diversity, as well as the major social challenges posed by multicultural and multilingual societies. The project must therefore be developed around the themes of diversity and inclusion that the Departmental excellence project is focused on. The study of diversity and inclusion, in the 37th cycle specifically, will be connected with the analysis of utopia-dystopia from a linguistic point of view. The curriculum prioritizes the study of language and languages in context and in action, especially as concerns their relation with socio-cultural issues pertaining to inclusion in education and institutional communication. Scientific knowledge and methodological expertise are developed and enhanced through a variety of approaches, especially within the scope of the following disciplines: sociolinguistics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, conversation analysis, interactional linguistics, linguistic anthropology, applied linguistics, language acquisition, translation studies and digital humanities.
- Job opportunities and potential areas of employment
- The profile of PhD candidates trained within the doctorate provides them with a high competence in literature, cultural and gender studies, with solid linguistic proficiency, a strong theoretical commitment and a wide range of skills regarding human science. With this expertise and based on the specific formation obtained within the specific curricula, PhD candidates can aim to: - academic career in Italy or abroad - partnership with institutions and national and international cultural foundations, national and international networks of research - elaboration and realization of complex and high profile projects in Libraries, Cultural Centres, Publishing Houses, Journalism, Literary Translation, Foundations, Study Centres, New and traditional media, ecc. - jobs as international experts in private companies and national and international public institutions, interested in strengthening politics of relationships and trades - with foreign countries - employment in ONG or anti-violence centres as cultural mediator and gender expert - diversity manager in public institutions and private companies - project manager of national and European projects oriented to gender studies, equal opportunities and civil rights - formation of leader figures in managing intercultural relationships and conciliation politics.
- Admission Board
Surname Name University/Institution Curriculum Role email Baiesi Serena Università di Bologna EDGES - Women's and Gender Studies Member Balletta Edoardo Università di Bologna World Literature and Postcolonial Studies Member Imposti Gabriella Elina Università di Bologna World Literature and Postcolonial Studies Member Nannoni Catia Università di Bologna DESE - European Literatures Member Thune Eva-Maria Christina Charlotte Università di Bologna LINGMOD - Modern Languages Studies Member Dallapiazza Michael Gottlieb Università di Bologna DESE - European Literatures Substitute Fusari Sabrina Università di Bologna LINGMOD - Modern Languages Studies Substitute Golinelli Gilberta Università di Bologna EDGES - Women's and Gender Studies Substitute Lamberti Elena Università di Bologna World Literature and Postcolonial Studies Substitute
- Learning outcomes
- Internationality, interdisciplinarity, transculturality, cultural and linguistic DIversity, Inclusion, Citizenship and gender studies are the key words of the PhD Programme developed in the curricula: DESE European literature as seen through one main transversal theme, therefore providing a vision of the literature that overcomes the concept of foreign language and culture; EDGES: gender and women’s studies, literature literature as site for the production, circulation and stabilization of gender cultures of equality, gender theory and gender practice. World Literature: transversal theoretical approaches in postcolonial studies, transmedia studies, border studies, migratory phenomena, new Forms of textuality. LINGMOD aims at forming specialists in at least two languages who approach research in linguistic and cultural diversity in multicultural and multilingual societies from the perspectives of pragmatics, communication, translation theory and applied linguistics.
- Activities to be carried out by Doctoral candidates
- Along with the cross-curricula teaching activities of the first year, each curriculum has its own specific activities.
Mandatory activities according to the agreements with partner institutions.
1st and 2nd year: evaluation of research projects about the annual topic (no more than 20 pp.) (4 projects during the 1st year and 2 during the 2nd).
1st year: tutoring aimed to developing those projects. Professors and PhD candidates of the institutions gather for a scientific evaluation, balances and prospects.
2nd year: lessons (10-20 hours) with foreign professors.
3rd year: doctoral meeting: the PhD candidates present their research topics.
It is mandatory to do an internship relevant to the research and to spend 12 months abroad. The PhD thesis must be written in French or English.
Meetings and tutorings with national and international supervisors; presentation of the research in the national and foreign branches according to the co-tutorship agreements provided for the double title; a 250-hours formative internship in institutions with which EDGES has joint agreements or with other institutions that have to sign agreements;
1st year: locating primary and secondary sources;
halfway through 2nd year: drafting the 1st theoretical-methodological chapter of the research; PhD thesis written in English.
1st year specific courses and seminars organized for the curriculum; detailing the project and collecting bibliography, presenting it to the Supervisor and the Academic Board, report on one’s activities at the end of the year. 2nd year at least six months of research abroad and writing of one chapter of the thesis by the summer, report on the activities performed. The 3rd year devoted to writing the thesis. PhD candidates organize and/or take part in cultural activities and conferences relevant to their research. - Research training activities compliant with the Doctoral programme's learning outcomes
- During the first year of the PhD Programme there will be some cross-curricula teaching activities to be followed by all doctoral candidates on topics such as: using libraries and databases, research and the humanities; project writing; fundraising; research and international networking; digital publishing; Information Technology and Humanities.
In addition to this, each curriculum has different courses:
DESE: Working on a macro topic; seminars of evaluation where candidates' research is presented and discussed with the Academic Board; organization of a conference about the state of the art of the topic, internship; end of 3rd year: conference with presentation and evaluation of candidates' research in preparation of the final exam; mandatory research abroad 12 months.
EDGES meetings and tutorials with national and international supervisors; candidates are expected to present their research projects both nationally and abroad according to co-tutelle agreements. 250-hour mandatory training internship on equal opportunities, access to education, valorization of diversity, conflict management and the promotion of corporate well-being and diversity management. Mandatory research period abroad for at least 6 months. Seminars on corporate welfare, gender budgeting and diversity management.
WORLD LITERATURE and LINGMOD 1st year specific courses and seminars organized for the curriculum; detailing the project and collecting bibliography, presenting it to the Supervisor and the faculty board, report on one’s activities at the end of the year. 2nd year at least six months of research abroad and writing of one chapter of the thesis by the summer, report on the activities performed. The 3rd year devoted to writing the thesis. PhD candidates of all curricula organize and/or take part in cultural activities and conferences relevant to their research. - Internationalization features
- Within the PhD Programme there are specific agreements with foreign universities aimed at educational and research activities. There are co-tutelle agreements finalized to the release of double or multiple PhD degrees for candidates enrolled to this PhD and/or for PhD candidates enrolled to foreign universities. Foreign Professors can take part in the Examining board for the awarding of the title of PhD. Depending on the curriculum, the PhD Programme can require the participation of PhD candidates to winter/summer schools, conferences and seminars organized by European networks. Thanks to its scientific and cultural specialization, the Phd Programme coordinates and supports a large number of collaborations with European and non-European universities (Agreements, double PhD degree, co-tutorships). A Joint PhD agreement between Utrecht University (NL) and Bologna University (department LILEC) has been ratified for the curriculum EDGES, which also has agreements for double titles with the Universities of Granada and Oviedo (Spain). The PhD Programme has a stable relationship of scientific partnership with numerous European and non-European universities:
Europe: Algarve (P) Clermont-Ferrand (F) Coimbra (P) Complutense de Madrid (E) Granada (E) Haute Alsace - Mulhouse (F) KU Leuven (B) Leeds (UK) Oviedo (E) Paris Creteil (F) Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle (F) Paris IV-Sorbonne (F) Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense (F) RGGU – Mosca (RU) Saarland, Saarbrücken (D) Sofia (BU) Tbilisi (Georgia) Valladolid (E) Utrecht (NL) Extraeuropean universities: Dakar (SN) Universidade Federla Fluminense-UFF (Brazil) North Western University, Chicago (USA) Seattle University (USA) Universidad de Montevideo (Uruguay) Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (MZ) - Expected research results and products
- During the three years of the doctoral cycle the following scientific initiatives by the PhD candidates are expected and advised:
- organization of seminars, conferences, graduate conferences, etc.
- participation in the organization of activities at the mobility site and/or in the institution where the internship is completed
- publication of articles, essays and reviews on national and international academic magazines and in various volumes
- taking care of conference proceedings
- presentation of papers at national and international academic conferences (at least an essay or a paper a year) about topics related to the PhD research.
- Doctoral programme Academic Board
Name Surname University/Institution Qualification Maurizio Ascari Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Serena Baiesi Università di Bologna Professore Associato Edoardo Balletta Università di Bologna Professore Associato Davide Bertagnolli Università di Bologna Ricercatore a tempo determinato Alberto Bertoni Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Bruna Conconi Università di Bologna Professore Associato Luigi Contadini Università di Bologna Professore Associato Michael Gottlieb Dallapiazza Università di Bologna Professore Associato Sabrina Fusari Università di Bologna Professore Associato Maria Chiara Gnocchi Università di Bologna Professore Associato Gilberta Golinelli Università di Bologna Professore Associato Gabriella Elina Imposti Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Elena Lamberti Università di Bologna Professore Associato Eugenio Giovanni Edoardo Maggi Università di Bologna Professore Associato Rita Monticelli Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Catia Nannoni Università di Bologna Professore Associato Valentina Nider Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Monica Perotto Università di Bologna Professore Associato Marco Prandoni Università di Bologna Professore Associato Paola Puccini Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario Rosa Pugliese Università di Bologna Professore Associato Maria Josè Rodrigo Mora Università di Bologna Professore Associato Confermato Gino Scatasta Università di Bologna Professore Associato Confermato Paola Scrolavezza Università di Bologna Professore Associato Eva-Maria Christina Charlotte Thune Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario
See also
- AMS PhD thesis (in Italian) Published