- Docente: Massimo Tagliavini
- Credits: 6
- SSD: AGR/03
- Language: English
- Moduli: Brunella Morandi (Modulo Mod 1) Massimo Tagliavini (Modulo Mod 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in International Horticultural Science (cod. 8883)
from Sep 19, 2024 to Oct 25, 2024
from Sep 16, 2024 to Oct 28, 2024
Learning outcomes
Students will learn concepts of crop ecophysiology, and quantitative ecological processes occurring at ecosystem level. Students will gain an understanding of the complex interactions between plants and their environment and of the use efficiency of resources. All these knowledge will allow the students to understand how to design sustainable horticultural crop systems.
Course contents
a) Prerequisites
Students taking this class must possess strong bases in biology and botany, in addition to knowledge of arboriculture, agrometeorology, chemistry, biochemistry and soil chemistry, to properly understand the subjects addressed here, which relate to advanced fruit growing aspects. Students must also possess knowledge in organic chemistry and physics to understand the water relations of the tree and its interactions with the environment. These prerequisites are obtained during the first level degree.
Combining basic knowledge with the capacity of identifying and managing highly efficient and sustainable fruit production methods is paramount in the making of a modern, sustainable fruit growing specialist.
b) Teaching units
The module is made up of 6 main teaching units:
- Tree water relations:
water potentials;
training system effect on water potentials;
environment conditions and water potentials. - Tree-Light relations :
physical properties of light; methods to measure light in the orchard;
biochemical aspects;
biological aspects;
the effect of growing practices on tree-light interactions;
orchard design. - Photosynthetic efficiency :
photosynthesis - why and how to measure it;
photosynthetic parameters;
environment effects on tree photosynthesis;
light excess and consequences on primary photoproductivity;
photo-oxidation, water-water cycle and photorespiration. - Growth
parameters to express growth and their relevance to the study of growth;
sampling methods and data processing; fruit growth models;
cell demography and fruit growth;
effect of time of thinning on the growth of fruit;
thinning strategies and environment effects on fruit growth. - The flows of fresh and dry matter that allow fruit growth
measurement methods;
importance of phenological stages;
the xylem contribution to fruit growth;
the phloem contribution to fruit growth;
the role of transpiration in fruit growth;
a typical daily growth in apple, peach and kiwifruit. - Precision fruit growing :
analytical approaches;
the peach case study.
The course focuses on the functioning of crop systems under different managements and environmental conditions. Findings from recent research will be given as examples to illustrate how ecosystems respond to agricultural practices.
The course aims at scaling up from single plant to ecosystem physiology, offering the student knowledge on the use of resources for a sustainable production.
Main topics:
Ecosystem concept and terminology :
Boundaries of the ecosystem
Turnover rate, residence time
Resistance, resilience, feedback mechanisms
Energy and radiation:
Short and long wave radiation
The radiation path from the atmosphere to the soil
Energy and radiation balances
External energy input in the production system
Carbon cycle:
Standing biomass, Net primary productivity, below and above ground productivity
Productivity indexes, C use efficiency
C allocation, Ecosystem respiration
Net ecosystem productivity and C balances; C footprint
Measurement techniques
Use of Stable isotopes in crop ecosystem studies:
Water fluxes:
Water needs
Water footprint, green, blue and grey water
Water use efficiency
Water balance, ET, Kc, models
Soil available water, Water deficit
Nutrient cycle
Nutrient availability
Nutrient budgets
Uptake fluxes
Nutrient partitioning
Nutrient inputs
Nutrient losses
Lecture notes, handouts and articles provided by the instructor through internet services managed by UNIBO.
Selected chapters from the book Principles of Modern Fruit Science. Sansavini et al (ed). 2019. ISHS
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures make up for 2/3 of the time allotted to this course. The remainder time is made up of classroom experiences (practicum), exercises and field or greenhouse activity.
Assessment methods
The course is comprised of two modules, each of 3 credits, the first one taught by dr. Morandi and the second taught by professor Tagliavini. Therefore, the evaluation of the integrated course jointly considers the knowledge level acquired by the student, in relation to all the materials covered in both modules. The goal of the evaluation is to assess the overall capacity of the student to recognize and address problems in the area of ecophysiology and ecosystems and devise solutions to these problems.
Teaching tools
Classroom lectures are provided with the aid of visuals. Practical examples are offered in the classroom, focused on the determination of physiological parameter by use of portable instrumentation. Exercises will be carried out in the computer room. On occasion, seminars may be offered by visiting professors from other institutions, to integrate the instructor's lectures.
Office hours
See the website of Massimo Tagliavini
See the website of Brunella Morandi