Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Specialized translation (cod. 9174)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the basic principles of teaching specific languages and/or language-related subjects in one or more settings; s/he is able to identify relevant learning and/or evaluation objectives, plan activities, and create didactic materials with the support of appropriate tools

Course contents

The course, related to the project "Intercomprehension for Specialised Communication", mainly aims to plan and analyse texts and materials for intercomprehension between similar languages. After a theoretical introduction on plurilingualism, pluralistic approaches and linguistic intercomprehension, a case study that sees intercomprehension methods applied to specialised fields related to engineering and veterinary medicine will be illustrated.
The second phase will consist of a project-work in groups, whose number will be decided on the basis of the number of students enrolled; in this phase, the main steps of planning language-teaching activities based on plurilingual written and spoken corpora will be covered: selection of authentic written and oral texts, automatic transcription with text-to-speech software, analysis of multimodal interactions and annotation with dedicated software (e.g. ELAN), planning and evaluation of multilingual teaching tasks.
Part of the lessons will be conducted together with Dr. Eleonora Zucchini.


The following references are included for information only. A more-detailed list will be provided on Virtuale.

On intercomprehension

· Araújo E Sá M.H., Calvo Del Olmo F. (2021), « Éléments pour le recensement de la curricularisation de l’intercompréhension en langues romanes à partir d’expériences menées par un groupe d’universités européennes et latino-américaines », Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures [En ligne], 18-2 | 2021, http://journals.openedition.org/rdlc/9620.
· Bonvino, E., Garbarino, S. (2022), Intercomprensione. Caissa Italia.
· Bonvino, E. et al. (2012), EUROM 5. Leggere e capire in 5 lingue romanze. Hoepli - http://www.eurom5.com/
· Celentin P. (2021), "Didactique des langues accessible et approche intercompréhensive: affinités et pistes d’investigation possibles", in Studi di glottodidattica, 6, 1, pp. 22-33.
· Cervini, C., Zucchi, A. (2022), Learning languages through intercomprehension: some hints on cultural and intercultural competences, in: Second Language Learning and Cultural Acquisition: New Perspectives, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 46 – 63.
· Degache, C. (2004), Interactions asynchrones et appropriation dans un environnement d’apprentissage collaboratif des langues (Galanet). In L. Baqué & M. Tost (Ed.), Diversité et spécialités dans l’enseignement des langues, Repères et applications (IV), Institut de Ciències de l’Educació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 33-48.
· Degache, C., Carrasco Perea, E., Chevalier, C., da Silva, R., Dalençon, A., & Fonseca, M. (2012), Caractéristiques et formats de l’intégration curriculaire de l’intercompréhension. In C. Degache et S. Garbarino (Ed.), Actes du colloque IC2012. Intercompréhension : compétences plurielles, corpus, intégration. Université Stendhal Grenoble 3 (France), 21-22-23 juin 2012. [Page web] : [https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/LIDILEM/hal-02937434v1]
· Garbarino S. (2015), Modélisation de l’insertion curriculaire de l’intercompréhension : état des lieux et perspectives ». [https://lidilem.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/actualites/seminaire-programme-approches-plurilingues-et-apprentissages-situes-laxe-3-et-journee-2 / 3miriadi]
· Garbarino, S. & Leone, P. (2021), « Je ne suis pas sûre d’avoir compris la dernière phrase… » Capirsi e collaborare in contesti di intercomprensione. Relazione al Convegno Internazionale “Percorsi e strumenti per un’educazione plurilingue” (Università Roma 3, 7-8 ottobre).
· Garbarino, S., Leone, P. (2021), The analysis of mediation sequences for assessing and evaluating oral intercomprehension skills. Intervento al Congresso AILA, 15-20 agosto, URL: [https://www.aila2021.nl/]
· Garbarino,S., Corino, E., Costa, M., Mantegna, S. (2021), L’intercomprensione all’università: modelli di internazionalizzazione per l’università europea. Intervento al Convegno CRUI, 25-26 febbraio. Video disponibile qui: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwaHzQOEw6u6qzaklV6WjTQ/playlists]
· González Rodríguez, M. J. (2023), Los fundamentos de la Intercomprensión y su aplicabilidad en la formación de intérpretes. In Nosotros somos nos y somos otros. Estudios dedicados a Félix San Vicente. Bologna: BUP.
· Leone P., Fiorenza E. (2021), “Intercomprensione e inclusione nella scuola primaria”, in EL.LE, 10, 2, pp. 233-260.

On corpus-based educational linguistics design

• Bernardini S., Corpora in the classroom: An overview and some reflections on future developments [https://cris.unibo.it/handle/11585/4886], in: SINCLAIR J. ED, How to use corpora in language teaching, AMSTERDAM, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2004, pp. 15 - 36.

• Corino E and Onesti C (2019) Data-Driven Learning: A Scaffolding Methodology for CLIL and LSP Teaching and Learning.
Front. Educ. 4:7. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2019.00.

• Tom Cobb, Alex Boulton. Classroom applications of corpus analysis. Douglas Biber & Randi Reppen. Cambridge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics, Cambridge University Press, pp.478-497, 2015, ffhal-00938039.

Teaching methods

This course will consist of cooperative activities which involve the use of tools and software for transcribing and analysing language data, planning activities and tasks for plurilingual language education.
Some fundamental theoretical concepts will be covered in seminar-based lessons.

Assessment methods

Learning will be evaluated through a project work carried out in small groups which will be presented in class at the end of the course.
The project-work must document the work carried out and the steps followed when planning language teaching activities, consistently with the principles of plurilingual education and linguistic intercomprehension. It will be structured as follows: - a brief overview of the problem and the teaching objectives; - a description of the procedure followed (choice of texts/speeches, transcripts, analysis of the relevant linguistic elements, language teaching planning); competence in intercomprehension, as per the guidelines that will be illustrated in class. For the presentation of the project, the use of slides or similar tools is recommended.

Evaluation criteria:
30, 30L: excellent project work, fully coherent from a language-teaching and methodological point of view, presented in a very clear and detailed way.
28-29: excellent project work, coherent from a language teaching and methodological point of view, presented in a clear and detailed way.
26-27: good project work, quite coherent from a language teaching and methodological point of view; some aspects of the presentation could be improved.
23-25: fair project work, with some methodological inconsistency; presentational skills could be improved.
20-22: project work showing some gaps and not always explained clearly and in detail.
18-20: sufficient project work but with strong points of methodological inconsistency. Presentation is insufficient.
<18: insufficient or severely insufficient project work.

Teaching tools

PC, video projector, speech-to-text tools, software for analysing and annotating linguistic data.

Office hours

See the website of Cristiana Cervini


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.