91074 - Internship II (BO)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques (cod. 9079)

Learning outcomes

    • To acquire a behavior consistent with the ethical principles and with reference to the contents of the code of ethics.
    • To acquire the preparation for a proper taking care of the patient and a proper relationship with family members and tutors.
    • To take the correct behavior of the team with the staff of the Unit.
    • To demonstrate the availability and continuity of learning in training.
    • To Inform and educate patients adequately before, during and after the procedures, obtaining the consent of the provision.
    • To communicate and report information in a consistent manner, respecting the privacy and security of sensitive data.


  • Use appropriate terminology in all circumstances in relation to the various stakeholders, as learned in lesson.
  • To handle with consistent levels of verbal and nonverbal communication with patients and other professionals, as learned from the tutor.
To be able to work in a multidisciplinary team, applying an effective verbal and non- verbal communication with patients, relatives and colleagues, understanding their needs, depending on the situation .

Course contents

Radiological imaging:

  • Appropriate knowledge to make gradual autonomy in diagnostic radiology CT, MRI with and without the use of MDC and ADC.
  • Appropriate knowledge of angiographic investigation and surgery.
  • Ability to independently perform exams of conventional radiology, from taking charge of the patient to his discharge, with the use and recognition of the equipment most suitable to be used and the specific protocol.


Manuale di Tc per TSRM, Golfieri, Trenti, Maccione

Poletto editore

Teaching methods


  • Proper use of equipment and related accessories:
  • automatic injector
  • coils
  • filters
  • protocols
  • Knowledge of equipment used in:
    • TC,
    • RM
    • Angiography and surgery
  • Knowledge of daily and periodic quality control.
  • use of PPE and accessories suitable for radiation protection standards and reference.
  • use of radiological RIS- PACS information systems

Assessment methods

Activity carried out in angiography didactic workers and for system administrators, where under the supervision of expert tutors, real situations will be created with the analysis of cases during a specific laboratory.

Teaching tools

Innovative teaching with flipped classroom

Office hours

See the website of Rossella Trenti