- Docente: Anna Rita Addessi
- Credits: 9
- SSD: L-ART/07
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary teacher education (cod. 8540)
from Sep 18, 2023 to Jun 28, 2024
Learning outcomes
The course and the laboratory aim to provide theoretical and practical tools for music education in kindergarten and primary school. At the end of the course, the student knows some aspects of the professional profile of the generalist teacher in basic music education and has some tools to critically reflect on her/his musical knowledge; Possesses some basic musical skills (understand and analyze some aspects of musical language, produce some musical sequences and sound objects); Knows some elements of children musical development, some theories about musical creativity and some examples of creative musical technologies; some methodological proposals for music education in kindergarten and primary school and knows how to use it to design a music education path.
Course contents
1. The professional profile in music education of the generalist teacher in primary and kindergarten school.
2. Teachers' social representations of music.
3. The teacher's basic musical competences: to understand, to produce, and to perceive.
4. Children's musical development.
5. The MIROR platform for children's musical and motor creativity.
6. Methodological proposals for musical education in kindergarten and primary school.
7. Analysis of the "Indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo della scuola dell'infanzia e del primo ciclo di istruzione".
The MUSIC EDUCATION laboratory lasts 8 hours and aims to offering students practical musical activities, involving the body, voice, objects and musical instruments. The activities that will be proposed are designed in the light of the concrete teaching and learning contexts in the kindergarten and primary school. Laboratory activities are an integral part of the course, particularly with regard to points 2 and 6 of the Program / Content.
Each student must attend 1 laboratory of 8 hours and carry out several homework.
The attendance to the music laboratory entitles you to 1 point that will be added to the final exam.
To see the dates of the labs and subscribe to the laboratory, use Almaesami.
IMPORTANT: for the students who fail to attend the workshop in the first semester, it will be organize a laboratory in June .
IMPORTANT: The professors of the course and of the laboratories do not care of the organization and registration. Then they will not be able to respond to emails with requests for dates, schedule changes, enrollment, etc.
FURTHER INFORMATION ON ORGANIZATION AND REGISTRATION: For information on organization and lab registration, if not available on the University portal, students must contact the Secretariat.
Students attending the course
- Addessi A.R., a cura di, (2022). Manuale di metodologia dell'educazione musicale, UTET, Torino.
- Addessi A.R. (2010). Una indagine empirica sui saperi musicali impliciti degli studenti di Scienze della Formazione di Bologna. In Addessi et Al. (a cura di), Con-scientia musica. Contrappunti per Rossana Dalmonte e Mario Baroni. LIM: Lucca, pp. 427-450.(pdf)
Addessi, A.R. (a cura di)(2015). La creatività musicale e motoria dei bambini in ambienti riflessivi. Proposte didattiche con la piattaforma MIROR. Bologna: Bononia University Press. Solo i Capitoli 1, 2 e 5.
- Frapat M. (1994). L'invenzione musicale nella scuola dell'infanzia, Junior, Bergamo.
- MIUR, Indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo della scuola dell'infanzia e del primo ciclo distruzione, p. 20 e pp. 58-59.
- Documents on "Virtual Learning Environment".
Further references will be given during the course.
In order to qualify for the exam, students attending the course should attend at least 40 hours out of 48 (with supplementary reading/activities agreed with lecturer).
Students not attending the course:
Addessi A.R., a cura di, (2022). Manuale di metodologia dell'educazione musicale, UTET, Torino.
- Addessi A.R. (2010). Una indagine empirica sui saperi musicali impliciti degli studenti di Scienze della Formazione di Bologna. In Addessi et Al. (a cura di), Con-scientia musica. Contrappunti per Rossana Dalmonte e Mario Baroni. LIM: Lucca, pp. 427-450.(pdf)
- Addessi, A.R. (a cura di)(2015). La piattaforma MIROR. Proposte didattiche per la creatività musicale e motoria in ambienti riflessivi. Bologna: Bononia University Press. Solo i Capitoli 1, 2 e 5.
- Frapat M. (1994). L'invenzione musicale nella scuola dell'infanzia, Junior, Bergamo.
Un testo a scelta fra i seguenti:
- Baroni M. (1997). Suoni e significati. Musica e attività espressive nella scuola, EDT, Torino.
- Biella, O. (2021). Giocando a fare musica. Tra scuola dell'infanzia e scuola primaria, Progetti Sonori, Pesaro.
- Callegari, M., Cucchia, G. (2021). Didattica dell’ascolto nella scuola di base, Progetti Sonori edizioni, Pesaro.
- Cucchia, G. (2011). Il ritmo nella scuola di base, Progetti Sonori (vol. 1 o vol. 2).
- Mazzoli F. (2001). C'era una volta un re, un mi, un fa... Nuovi ambienti per l'apprendimento musicale, EDT, Torino.
- Meazzini, L., Vergni, I. (2021). Ritmo, canto e dislessia. Percorsi propedeutici per alunni con DS e BES nella scuola primaria. Con file audio online, Progetti Sonori, Pesaro.
- Pappalardo, E. (2019). Composizione, analisi musicale e tecnologia nella scuola, Edizioni ETS.
- Strobino, E., Vitali, M. (2023). Il paesaggio sonoro come teatro educativo. Progetti Sonori Editore, Pesaro.
The bibliography is available at the Libraries of the Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione, Via Filippo Re, 6 and of the Dipartimento di Arti Performative e Multimediali (DAVIPEM), via Barberia 4, Bologna.
For the Erasmus students:
The bibliography is the same. Some readings are available in english. The Erasmus students can contact the teacher for more information.
Teaching methods
For attending students: frontal lessons with slides and video support, analysis and discussion in large and little groups, video analysis, listening and musical activities, e-learning with self-assessment and critical analysis of music education practices.
Participation in the Laboratory will enable students to experience listening and musical practices, according to the pedagogical perspective based on active teaching.
Assessment methods
The exam consists of a questionnaire with true / false, multiple and semi-structured questions. Students have 60 minutes to complete the test.
Students must also prepare and deliver on the day of the exam, a proposal of music education activities (3/4 pages), elaborated in the light of the activities carried out in the Laboratory and the methodological proposals contained in the bibliography of the course. The didactic proposal can be developed individually, both in pairs and small groups (3-max 5 students per group). In the case of working in pairs or in a small group, each student must deliver a copy of the essay which must include the name of all the members of the group on the cover.
Both the course and the music laboratory contribute to the preparation and the assessment. For this raison, the exam must be completed after attending the music laboratory.
The final vote is expressed on base 31 (which corresponds to 30 con lode) and will be given by the sum of the following scores:
QUESTIONNAIRE: up to 25/30 points (questions from 0.5, 1 and 2 points)
DIDACTIC PROPOSAL: Up to 5/30 points
MUSIC LABORATORY: Up to 1/30 point
Teaching tools
video projector, PC, recorder and cd player, e-Learning platform of the University, musical instruments.
Office hours
See the website of Anna Rita Addessi