84281 - Stem Cell Biology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 9210)

Learning outcomes

Describe basic concepts in stem cell biology, including origin and plasticity. Differentiate between embryonic and adult stem cells, and describe their characteristics. Define the molecular mechanisms of stem cell differentiation. Discuss potential applications of stem cells in regenerative medicine.

Course contents


Pluripotent stem cells and reprogramming

Adult Stem Cells

The somatic cell nuclear transfer application to humans 


Intestinal stem cells and Intestinal Organoids

Oogenesis, embryonic development, and offspring from female iPSC-derived PGCLCs.

Self-Organization of the in vitro attached human embryo

Ex utero mouse embryogenesis from pre-gastrulation to late organogenesis




Recommended Textbook: G.P. Bagnara, Stem Cells, Ed. Esculapio.

Articles provided during the frontal lessons

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons. The acquisition of the knowledge may be monitored with written tests.

Attendance Requirements: Attendance to this learning activity is mandatory; the minimum attendance requirement to be admitted to the final exam is 60% of lessons. For Integrated Courses (IC), the 60% attendance requirement refers to the total amount of I.C. lessons. Students who fail to meet the minimum attendance requirement will not be admitted to the final exam of the course and will have to attend relevant classes again during the next academic year. Professors may authorize excused absences upon receipt of proper justifying documentation, in case of illness or serious reasons. Excused absences do not count against a student’s attendance record to determine their minimum attendance requirement.

Assessment methods

The students will be evaluated by written exam, with multiple choice tests on the EOL - Exam OnLine Platftorm. During the written test, a mark scoring from 0 to 6 will be displayed next to the relevant question.The final mark is given by the arithmetic sum of the scores from each answered question. Wrong answers or missing answers will score as 0.

Interpretation of the score:

  • <18 failure, not scored. The student fails to satisfactorily address all of the questions.
  • 18 Poor. The student inadequately addresses most of the questions with serious inherent weaknesses.
  • 21 Fair. The student broadly addresses most of the questions, but there are significant weaknesses.
  • 24 Good. The student addresses the questions well, but a number of shortcomings are present.
  • 27 Very good. The student addresses the criterion very well, but a small number of shortcomings are present.
  • 30 Excellent. The student successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the questions. Any shortcomings are minor.
  • 30 cum laude. The student successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the questions with no shortcomings.

The final score will be a "weighted average mark":


- Alert- Attendance Requirements - Alert-

Attendance to this learning activity is mandatory; the minimum attendance requirement to be admitted to the final exam is 66% of lessons. For Integrated Courses (IC), the 60% attendance requirement refers to the total amount of I.C. lessons. Students who fail to meet the minimum attendance requirement will not be admitted to the final exam of the course and will have to attend relevant classes again during the next academic year. Professors may authorize excused absences upon receipt of proper justifying documentation, in case of illness or serious reasons. Excused absences do not count against a student’s attendance record to determine their minimum attendance requirement

Teaching tools

 power point and online videos

Office hours

See the website of Mattia Lauriola