- Docente: Stefano Cavazza
- Credits: 4
- Language: English
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
Political, Social and International Sciences (cod. 8853)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 0956)
First cycle degree programme (L) in International Development and Cooperation (cod. 8890)
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Legal Studies (cod. 9062)
Learning outcomes
The seminar is intended to introduce students to the analysis of case studies and research topics.
By the end of the seminar the student will:
1) be able to read and discuss scientific essays in comparative Politics and History
2) be able to interact appropriately in a seminar situation
Course contents
Language of instruction: English
Course content: Topics in european, history, politics and culture in XX - XXI Century
The seminar take place normally in the second semester and is conduct by visiting professors of the University of Trier, Dresden, Humboldt Berlin, Potsdam and Sciences Po Lyon.
During the first lesson, seminar's coordinator will explain the organisation of the seminar and the course content of each teaching units.
Teaching method: Traditional in presence (Location: Dipartimento delle Arti, Via Barberia 4) and streaming on teams
Martedì 22 marzo marzo /Tuesday 22th march ore 17-19AULA sergio Secci (former DIONISO
Presentazione/ presentation for all students Guidelines for writing the final paper
Mercoledì 23 marzo/ Wednesday 23th March Ore 17-19 AULA sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO)
Violence and political Conflict in historical perspective
Stefano Cavazza (University of Bologna)
Giovedì 24 marzo / Tuesday 24th March ore 17-19 AULA Sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO)
The Time of the Italian Nation. The Invention of National Public Time
Filippo Triola (University of Bologna)
Martedì 29 marzo / Tuesday 29th March ore 17-19 AULA Sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO)
The Battle for Hearts and Minds: China's Soft Power in Africa
Antonio Fiori (University of Bologna)
Martedì 5 aprile/ Tuesday 5th april ore 17-19 AULA Sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO)
Fascism unit 1: Fascism as historical and political phenomenon
Stefano Cavazza (University of Bologna)
mercoledì 6 aprile/ Wednesday ore 17-19 AULA COLONNE
Fascism unit 2: Nationalsocialism and its legacy
Lutz Klinkhammer (German Historical Institute Rome)
Giovedi 7 aprile/ Thursday 7th April ore 17-19AULA Sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO)
Fascism unit 3: Populism and Neo-Fascism
Matteo Albanese (University of Padua)
Martedì 12 aprile/ Tuesday 12th April ore 17-19 AULA Sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO)
Rethinking the 1960s: the global south and Western European political culture- Unit 1
Miles Taylor (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Mercoledì 13 aprile/ Wednesday 13th April ore 17-19AULA COLONNE
Rethinking the 1960s: the global south and Western European political culture- Unit 2
Miles Taylor (Humboldt University of Berlin)
mercoledì 20 aprile/ Wednesday 20th April ore 17-19AULA COLONNE
Transition to Democracy in Eastern Europe
Emanuela Costantini (University of Perugia)
Giovedì 21 aprile/ Thursday 21th April ore 17-19AULA Sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO)
Consumption and Citizenship in historical Perspective
Stefano Cavazza (University of Bologna)
mercoledì 27 aprile/ Wednesday ore 17-19 AULA COLONNE
Populism and the Resilience of Democracy Unit 1
Hanns Vorländer (Technische Universität Dresden)
Giovedì 28 aprile/ Thursday 28th April Ore 17-19 AULA Sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO)
Populism and the Resilience of Democracy unit 2
Hanns Vorländer (Technische Universität Dresden)
Martedì 3 maggio/ Tuesday 3rd Mai ore 17-19
AULA sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO) Concept and Realization of European Integration - From the 1920's to the 21st Century – unit 1: Early Ideas and the Beginning of European Integration after World War II
Manfred Görtemaker (Università di Potsdam)
Mercoledì 4 maggio/ Wednesday 4th Mai Ore 17-19 AULA sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO)
Concept and Realization of European Integration - From the 1920's to the 21st Century - unit 2: From the Cold War to the Maastricht Treaty
Manfred Görtemaker (Università di Potsdam)
giovedì 5 maggio/ Thursday 5th Mai ore 17-19 AULA sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO)
Concept and Realization of European Integration - From the 1920's to the 21st Century - unit 3: Today’s Challenges
Manfred Görtemaker (Università di Potsdam)
martedì 10 maggio 17-19 AULA sergio Secci (former DIONISO FANCIULLO) Assegnazione dei temi per i papers assignment of topics for papers
The reading list will be published before the beginning of the seminar
Teaching methods
If the restrictions imposed by the current health emergency will be maintained, teaching will be carried out with teaching methods: traditional: the teacher will always be in attendance in the classroom designated for teaching, the students will alternate in attendance according to a schedule of shifts being defined (more detailed information regarding the shift and how to access the lesson in attendance will be provided later). In this case it will always be possible to connect remotely and follow live lessons in the classroom via the TEAMS platform.
Assessment methods
Students will deliver a paper ( 25.000 characters: count of characters should be include on text and footnotes, but not Bibliography) on on of the topics discussed during the seminar.
The paper will be discussed during an oral examination
During the first lesson the seminar's coordinator will explain how to write the paper.
Teaching tools
Links to further information
Office hours
See the website of Stefano Cavazza

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.