81914 - Adaptive Technologies and Strategies for Resilience

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Andrea Boeri
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: ICAR/12
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Paolo Rava (Modulo 1) Andrea Boeri (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Advanced Design (cod. 9256)

Learning outcomes

The course proposes to furnish the student with the ability of understanding the complexities which have influenced urban development.

It also aims at offering the tools to develop new strategic methods for the recovery of urban/ community space by using design techniques.

The guidelines, which are a fundamental basis for urban planning, consist of:

  • Understanding sustainable thinking and urban sustainability.
  • Research of compatible materials so as to identify the most appropriate technologies for the best use of these materials.
  • Awareness that materials to be used will determine energy consumption and CO2 emission which will have a negative impact on the environment.

Course contents

Considering the urban environment the course addresses the issue of product/service systems starting from an urban sustainability basis while taking both the environmental and social aspects into consideration.

The ex-cathedra message will focus on the role of the designer in designing sustainable urban scenarios.

Planning of urban landscapes on urban scale, product/services, method of support and perception so as to trigger off social innovation and the reutilization of urban spaces and horizontal architecture.

The course is divided in four phases:

  1. Understanding of the sustainability concept phase
  2. Objective planning phase
  3. Development phase
  4. Concept phase

In the first phase the frontal lectures and exercises will elaborate the understanding of the philosophic sustainability concept.

During the objective planning phase (ii), by collecting information and documentation and using various fact-finding methods, students arranged in teams, will run a research on an assigned topic.

Following the objective planning phase, the development phase (iii), requires that the students prefigure innovative product/service scenarios starting from the brief of the project.

The concept phase converts the scenario into a detailed project in a story-board, diagram, flow-chart, pertaining to the product/service developed.


A. Poggio, 2013. Città sostenibili. Edizioni B. Mondadori

L. Kroll, 1999. Tutto è paesaggio, Universale architettura, Testo & immagine.

(a cura di) M. Corrado ,2009. Sostenibile ma bello, progetti di Iosa Ghini Associati Edizioni Compositori, Bologna.

A. Grassi, 2010. Orto fabbrica, 1°contest di creatività sostenibile, Romagna creative district, ed. Guaraldi Rimini

B. Gandino, D. Manuetti, 1993. La città possibile, RED edizioni

E. Antonini, A.Boeri, D.Longo (2013). Edilizia sociale ad alta densità. Strumenti di analisi e strategie di rigenerazione: il quartiere Pilastro a Bologna.

V.Gianfrate, D. Longo, Urban micro-design. Tecnologie integrate, adattabilità e qualità degli spazi pubblici, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2017 - ISBN:978-88-917-4294-0

A. Boeri, D. Longo, V. Gianfrate, V. Lorenzo, Resilient communities. Social infrastructures for sustainable growth of urban areas. A case study. DOI:10.2495/SDP-V12-N2-227-237. pp.227-237. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUST AINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING - ISSN:1743-7601 vol. 12, 2017.

A. Boeri, J. Gaspari, V. Gianfrate, D. Longo, C. Pussetti, The adaptive reuse of historic city centres. Bologna and Lisbon: solutions for urban regeneration. DOI:10.13128/Techne-19357. pp.230-237. In TECHNE - ISSN:2239-0243 vol. 12, 2016.

(a cura di) M. Balzani, 2011, Il progetto del colore, Maggioli Editore.

S.V. Szokolay, Introduzione alla progettazione sostenibile, Hoepli 2010. ISBN:88-203-3522-0

(a cura di) A. Rocca, A. Rogora. W. Kluver, 2012, Architettura ambientale, ISBN978-88-6750-025-3.

R. Di Giulio, A. Boeri, M. C. Forlani, A. Gaiani, V. Manfron, R. Pagani (2013). Paesaggi Periferici. Strategie di rigenerazione urbana. p. 1-359, Macerata: Quodlibet Studio, ISBN: 9788874625529

Teaching methods

The laboratory usually foresees the presence of students in classroom for the elaboration of the project, but guarantees the online attendance by students opting this method.

The course is structured with frontal lectures and group laboratories aimed at enhancing both the expertise obtained as well as talent of the students.

To follow each development stage of the project and to share the results obtained all the groups will be assessed regularly by the lecturers and by collegial audits.

Assessment methods

The exam consists in the presentation and discussion of the work carried out by the design teams, in presence or remotely

The course also schedules intermediate reviews on the progress of the project, both for each group and collectively, including any cultural and pathway interchanges.

The final evaluation of each student will take into account the results obtained in each teaching module, the quality of the project, proactivity and participation in the course.

The final proposal, expressed in thirtieths, will be evaluated according to the following criteria which will be associated with a maximum of 6 points each:

1 - Graphic and design quality of the works

2 - Quality of the service concept

3 - Effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed solutions

4 - Consistency with the theoretical aspects outlined in the course units

5 - Communication of the project results.

Teaching tools

The laboratory usually foresees the presence of students in classroom for the gradual elaboration of the architectural design, but guarantees the online attendance by students opting this method.

All phases will be followed and backed by the professor, tutors and didactic collaborators.

The Department library is a useful support for specific documentation and investigation. The equipment supplied by the Department of Architecture and all the technological support for the teaching activity provided by the University (screens, projectors, technologies for remote connection, IT supports, etc.) are used.

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Boeri

See the website of Paolo Rava


Good health and well-being Industry, innovation and infrastructure Sustainable cities Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.