04164 - Teaching of Modern Languages

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the basic principles of teaching/learning foreign languages. He/she is able to use some teaching techniques and to monitor his/her own learning development. He/She is able to develop further higher level knowledge and skills in the specific subject area and to use them appropriately.

Course contents

This course addresses the core principles of acquiring and teaching a non-mother tongue. The covered contents will facilitate participants in reflecting on the language learning process in its various steps and, at the same time, in developing skills in designing content for teaching and assessing language skills. Some hints will be given about current trends in language policies and language teaching practices. We will try to observe how the advanced linguistic and cultural competences of interpreters and translators can be employed in the performance of didactic tasks related to language teaching.
In brief, the main topics addressed will be:
-theoretical assumptions on second language learning;
-glottodidactic approaches and methods in a historical perspective;
-analysis of the internal and social factors influencing learning;
-notes on the features of interlanguage;
-educational design, evaluation and testing;
-introduction into plural approaches (intercomprehension).


For a smooth progression of topics, it is suggested to study the essays in the order in which they are listed in the bibliography.
The material (slides, etc.) adopted in class is an integral part of the study programme and is available on the Virtual Platform. During the course, other bibliographical references will be made available, also in languages other than Italian, for further study.

Bibliographic references
Villarini, A. (2021). Didattica delle lingue straniere. Bologna: Il Mulino. [cap. 1, 3, 4, 5].
Balboni, P. (2015). Le sfide di Babele. Insegnare le lingue nelle società complesse. Novara, UTET Università. [solo cap. 4 - Il regista dell'acquisizione linguistica: l'insegnante].
Ciliberti, A. (2012). Glottodidattica. Per una cultura dell'insegnamento linguistico. Roma: Carocci Editore. [solo cap. 11 - Il controllo e il lavoro di riparazione e cap. 12 - La verifica formale e la valutazione dell'apprendimento].

Non-attending students are asked to read two further articles/essays of their choice, included in the following books:

BONVINO E., JAMET M.-C. (a cura di), 2016, Intercomprensione: lingue, processi e percorsi, Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/it/edizioni4/collane/sail/

CERVINI C. (a cura di), 2016, Interdisciplinarità e apprendimento linguistico nei nuovi contesti formativi. L’apprendente di lingue tra tradizione e innovazione, numero monografico di Quaderni del CeSLiC, n. 4. http://amsacta.unibo.it/5069 .

DE MEO A. et al., (a cura di), 2015, Varietà dei contesti di apprendimento linguistico, Bergamo, AItLA http://www.aitla.it/archivio/24-pubblicazioni/studi-aitla/209-studi-aitla-1

NOVELLO A., 2014, La valutazione delle lingue straniere e seconde nella scuola. Dalla teoria alla pratica, Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. Open access:https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/it/edizioni/libri/978-88-97735-90-8/

Teaching methods

Lectures, with workshop activities, in groups or individually.

In view of the type of activity and teaching methods adopted, attendance of this training activity requires the prior participation of all students in modules 1 and 2 of training on safety in the workplace, in e-learning mode: https://elearning-sicurezza.unibo.it/.

Assessment methods

Oral interview on the topics covered in the course and on the essays to be studied. The oral interview will last approximately 30 minutes and will be aimed at assessing the ability to deepen the contents and to critically reflect on the course topics.
Evaluation criteria: accuracy and completeness of the acquired contents; ability to argue, synthesis and analysis; ability to reflect; appropriateness and pertinence of terminology.
Grades 28 to 30: Excellent knowledge of the theoretical content, very good oral presentation skills and very good reflection and reasoning skills.
Grades 26-27: Good knowledge of the theoretical content, good verbal communication skills and good ability to reflect and reason on the topics covered.
Grades 23 to 25: moderate knowledge of the theoretical content, good verbal communication and reasonable ability to reflect and reason on the topics covered.
Grades 20 to 22: elementary knowledge of the theoretical content, good verbal communication skills and adequate ability to reflect and reason on the topics covered.
Grades 18 to 19: basic but sufficient knowledge of the subject matter, with an elementary ability to think and reason on the topics covered.

Teaching tools

Online platform such as Virtuale and Teams. PPTs and other kind of audio-video materials.

Office hours

See the website of Cristiana Cervini


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.