- Docente: Chiara Orsingher
- Credits: 8
- SSD: SECS-P/08
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Chiara Orsingher (Modulo 1) Riccardo Pirazzoli (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
Management and Marketing (cod. 8406)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Business Administration (cod. 8871)
Learning outcomes
The course provides a comprehensive overview of advertising and promotion. It creates a clear understanding of traditional advertising and promotional tools, and shows how other key elements within the marketing communications mix ( e.g., advertising, direct marketing, promotion and the Internet) can be integrated.
Course contents
The course is divided in two modules. In the first module, students are instructed about the relevant theories and the tools that are useful to develop an effective communication and advertising plan. Example about real offline and online advertising complement the issues that are discussed in class.
In the second module, students are asked to apply this knowledge to a concrete activity. More precisely, students are asked to develop a communication project for a real company. They are asked to analyze the company strategy, to set communication objectives, to develop the creative content and to select the right media plan.
At at general level, the course deal with the following topics:
- Communication objectives
- The elaboration likelihood model
- The copy strategy
- The communication budget
- Media Planning
- Communication for Customer Engagement
- Communication on Social Media
- Communication though Influencers
- Advertising effectiveness
The Teaching Assistant for this course is Ms. Marina Berton - marina.berton@unibo.it
Classes are held during the months of September - October (first module) and November- December (second module)
First module:
Collection of selected readings extracted from italian and english
textbooks available at "Asterisco" Via Belle Arti 35 (next to the
Bigiavi library) from Sept. 15th
Looking for the street? Go to:
Second module:
a) for students who regularly attend classes there are no readings. The evaluation is based on the group work
b) for students who do not attend classes:
an excepert of the book (from chapter 4 to chapter 11)
Misurare il ritorno della pubblicità di Vittorio Bonori e Giorgio Tassinari, Gruppo il Sole24ore
is available at “Asterisco”, Via Belle Arti 35
Teaching methods
First module: Interactive class teaching, videos, short case studies
Second module: Interactive class teaching, invited speakers, group work
Assessment methods
The assessment aims to ascertain two aspects of learning:
1) knowledge of concepts, theories and techniques of communication
2) the ability to apply this knowledge to a real context.
To assess the first aspect, the test consists of a written exam with open questions.
To assess the second aspect, the test involves the preparation and presentation of the group work.
First module: Written exam with open ended questions and few multiple choice questions excluding the chapters referred to the group work
Second module: presentation of the group work
For those who take the total exam or the exam for non-attending students: Written exam with open questions and few multiple choice questions on the entire program.
The overall grade is the arithmetic average of the results of the two checks.
The test assessment grid will be as follows:
· <18 insufficient
· 18-23 sufficient
· 24-27 average/good
· 28-30 very good
· 30 cum laude excellent/outstanding
Teaching tools
Case studies, examples form the business press and participants' consumption experiences
Office hours
See the website of Chiara Orsingher
See the website of Riccardo Pirazzoli

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.