04166 - History Teaching

Academic Year 2014/2015

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Primary Education Sciences (cod. 1313)

Course contents

Educational routes and history programs in the primary school; motivations, aim and expectations; participation and activation to the learning; the words of history; relate present-history; searches and didactic; evaluation, chosen, verifies and utilization of the support material to the didactic; tools and new technologies; general history and local dimension; environment, territory, cultures; respect of the diversities; the global history; the views of  civilizations; theoretical preambles and practical applications; interdisciplinarità; the didactic of museum.


The students who will frequent at least 2/3 of the lessons will have to be about on their notes and the reading of:

1) R. Dondarini, L'albero del tempo, Pàtron Bologna 2007

2)  B. Borghi, Le fonti della storia tra ricerca e didattica, Pàtron, Bologna 2009.

The students who will not frequent the lessons in the measure above request will have to be about on the following texts:

1) R. Dondarini, L'albero del tempo, Pàtron Bologna 2007

2) B. Borghi, Le fonti della storia tra ricerca e didattica, Pàtron Bologna 2009

3) - Patrimoni culturali tra storia e futuro, a cura di B. Borghi e C. Venturoli, Pàtron, Bologna 2009


Un patrimonio di esperienze per la didattica del Patrimonio, a cura di B. Borghi, Pàtron Bologna 2008

Teaching methods

frontal lessons

use and interpretation of sources

visits to excavations, archives and museums

historical reading of the present 

Assessment methods

The final exam will take place through an interview during which you will experience the acquisition of the learning objectives of the course.

Teaching tools

The need to combine theoretical teaching and practical experiences that integrate corroborate course content is particularly strong among the students of the Department of Education for which placements and laboratories set up a merit and a source of pride undisputed.
In line with this address and for the achievement of competence in the Teaching of History effective and stimulating, recognize credits internal examination (with handouts from lectures and textbooks to prepare for the exam) students involved in lectures and conferences organized under the initiatives of the "Passamano for San Luca", the "International Festival of History."
In this respect, it is recalled that the Passamano for San Luca is an event that takes place since 2003 and sees thousands of schoolchildren and citizens form a long chain along the portico of St. Luke. As she had done over three hundred years before to carry on the Colle della Guardia building materials of the porch, children and adults pass from hand to hand objects that symbolize the work done in the research and study of history.

The International Festival of  History is organized in events of great attraction that every institution and participating school agrees to arrange. This year will be held October 18 to 26.
The attendance at each event are monitored and recorded, with the signing of the input and output.

Links to further information

Centro Internazionale di Didattica della Storia e del Patrimonio (DiPaSt): http://dipast.scform.unibo.it/

Festa internazionale della Storia: www.festadellastoria.unibo.it

Office hours

See the website of Beatrice Borghi