Dynamic aspects of biodiversity management of Quinoa

Traditional agricultural selection and domestication practices have generated rich and original intra-specific diversity. Farming systems in developing countries integrate this diversity of species and varieties to cope with the variability of the lands farmed . In response to global change, the project focuses on the definition and implementation of management practices adapted to dynamic in situ preservation of genetic resources. It aims at identifying new practices of managing varietal diversity based on interaction at different levels of farmer, commercial, and institutional seed systems. The project addresses in the field on in situ conservation of traditional cereal diversity. Its framework is focusing on the re -emergence in Chile of Quinoa using ex situ collections. The proposed methodology is based on the joint construction of innovative tools - multi-agent models - capable of integrating the points of view of different stakeholders and then simulating the dynamic aspects of biodiversity management in order to analyze the impact of future developments.

France and Italy have developed researches on Quinoa with Chile separately and the IRSES proposal is an opportunity to enforce coordination within E. U. to achieve jointly common objectives for in situ biodiversity conservation within a better understanding of nutritional and genetic properties of Quinoa that can be recognized by European markets. These exchanges will benefit to each partners interested in the importance of Quinoa for food security with a safety approach. CIRAD in France (partner 1) is interested in modelling seed system to increase complementarities between actors involved into in situ and ex situ conservation. Chile is an example for us with different forms of seedbank including some open to farmers. UNIBO (partner 2) in Italy is specialized in genetic analysis applied to food technologies. CEAZA (partner 3) is the best research institute studying Quinoa in Chile.

Coordinator Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement-CIRAD (France)

Other participants:
- Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali-BIGEA
- Resp. Scientifico: Prof.ssa Stefania Biondi
Center of Advanced Studies for Arid Zones-CEAZA (Chile)


Start date 15/06/2009

End date 14/06/2012

Duration 36 months

Project Reference 230862

Project cost 277.200 EURO

Project Funding 277.200 EURO


Subprogramme Area Marie Curie Actions—International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)