
The Campus Guidance Service can help you choose a learning programme. It caters for high-school students, recent school-leavers, university students (those on the verge of graduating and those who have just done so).

Published Study Guidance - Projects with schools in the Rimini area
Campus projects for high schools in the Rimini area
Published Job Guidance Service
The Rimini Campus offers, to the graduating and graduate students, tools and activities to face knowingly the labour market.


Ufficio Orientamento, Tirocini e Relazioni con il Pubblico (Orientamento)

Office Manager: Emanuela Tagliani - Staff: Natalia S. Calvagno, Patrizia Candelieri, Samuele Filippini, Elisa Urbinati


Via Cattaneo, 17 (first floor), 47921 - Rimini

Office hours

Front desk or Online Help Desk (Zoom, Teams, Meet) by appointment to be agreed with the office by e-mail or phone.

+39.0541.4 34369/247/370/118
From Monday to Friday 9:00 - 12:00

Social Contacts

FB: @riminicampus.unibo
IG: @campusrimini.unibo