Areas and access

Description of the Psychology Section and conditions of access

The Psychology Section is located in Cesena, in Piazza Aldo Moro, at the Local Organisational Unit of the Department of Psychology. It includes a room with books on open shelves, a lecture room with 60 reading desks and 5 IT workstations connected with the University network in order to consult catalogues, journals and databases in subscription. The wifi service covers the whole area.

It is generally used by students and staff of the University of Bologna, but its areas and a numebr of services can also be used by all other interested parties.
The Attachments below contain the Regulations stating the conditions for using and accessing the services, and the relative code of conduct to be respected (in Italian).

The access to the library and to its services is possible also for people with physical disability, hearing difficulties, visual impairment, dyslexia. For this purpose, all the architectural barriers and physical obstacles have been removed, and a number of procedures and practices are in place in order to ensure full availability of services also for special needs users. Especially an assistive technology station has been set up.

Assistive technology station
The library is equipped with an assistive technology station consisting of:
- height and wheelchair adjustable table
- PC and scanner fitted with an optical character recognition (OCR) program and a speech synthesis software
- desktop video magnifier with speech, and headphones.
The station is usable by institutional users with an account


Cesena Campus Library Regulations (in Italian) [.pdf 327 KB] Last update 17/03/2023


Cesena Campus Library - Psychology Section


Piazza Aldo Moro, 90 - 47521 Cesena (FC)

Office hours

Monday - Thursday 8.30 - 17.00
Friday 8.30 - 14.30

+39 0547 339872