Academic Year 2022/2023

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop the student: - is able to move autonomously in applying the specific techniques learnt autonomously or within projects organised by the institutions; - is able to compare with others on how to use and document the techniques learnt; - is able to place the specific knowledge learnt in different types of service; - is able to assess the limits and merits of the technical tools learnt; - is able to transfer the technologies learnt into different contexts by making personal modifications and additions.

Course contents

Roma and Sinti: cultures, research and educational interventions

Programme contents

The workshop aims to deepen the historical and current knowledge of the Sinti and Roma communities living in Italy and to learn about the educational projects implemented in these contexts. Specifically, the course topics are as follows:
Knowledge of the historical processes that have characterised the constitution of these cultural groups.
Knowledge of the typology of the migration and settlement processes of Roma and Sinti communities in Italy.
Analysis of the prejudices and stereotypes that have always accompanied these communities with a view to their deconstruction.
Analysis of research-intervention carried out in the Italian national context.
Analysis of educational projects carried out with some schools and communities.
Case study: analysis of the educational and professional pathways of some Italian Roma and Sinti women.
The workshop takes place in the first semester of the academic year.


Luca Bravi,Tra inclusione ed esclusione. Una storia sociale dell'educazione dei rome e dei sinti in Italia, Unicopli, 2009.

Leonardo Piasere, Antiziganismo, Quolibet, Roma, 2015.

Suzana B., Milli Ruggiero, Le mie vite daccapo. Storia di Suzana donna della diaspora kossovara, CISU, Roma, 2020.

E. Rizzin (a cura di), Attraversare Auschwitz. Storie di Rom e Sinti. Identità, memorie, antiziganismo, Unar, Roma 2020 (open access) http://www.unar.it/attraversareauschwitz/

Teaching methods

The workshop is conducted with lectures, individual and small group activities, small and large group discussions.

Film clips will be used for in-depth study of the topics mentioned and for group work.

Assessment methods

The preparation of a concluding paper from some of the readings indicated during the workshop is required. The report must be done individually outside the workshop hours.

Teaching tools

Films, slides, group reading of handouts.

Office hours

See the website of Ivana Bolognesi