Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Moduli: Daniele Torreggiani (Modulo Mod 1) Stefano Benni (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (cod. 9235)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students learn the theoretical and practical fundamentals of general and thematic cartography, and the main methodological and technical contents related to plani-altimetric land survey, for the measurement, management, design and maintenance of agricultural areas and rural buildings.

Course contents

Module 1 - Torreggiani

Teaching unit 1: Cartography and digital cartography (9 hours)
• Introduction to cartography and cartographic reference systems
• General, technical and thematic maps
• The use of digital cartography with GIS software: vector and raster maps, aerial and satellite images, analysis of agricultural land by layers, land suitability analysis.
Teaching unit 2: Digital cartography exercises with GIS software (12 hours)
• Use of geographic databases and digitization of maps in agricultural areas
• Cartographic analysis of agricultural areas and analysis of data collected with GPS receivers.
Teaching unit 3: Agricultural land survey (9 hours)
• Traditional survey systems 
• Survey of agricultural areas with satellite systems
• hints of photogrammetric techniques applied to rural areas and rural buildings.


Module 2 - Benni

Teaching unit 4: Land cadastre (14 hours)
• The current structure of the Italian Cadastre, formation of the Land Cadastre;
• Historical evolution of cadastral cartography up to the current digital cartography;
• The parcel and the related census data;
• The cadastral maps, symbols and conventional signs;
• The fiducial points;
• Map representation of buildings and other constructions;
• Consultation of the cadastral cartography;
• The acts of updating the Land Cadastre: transfer; crop variation and DOCTE procedure; type of splitting; particle type; map type;
• The PREGEO procedure.

Teaching unit 5: The buildings cadastre (6 hours)
• Definition of real estate unit;
• The buildings categories;
• The classification of real estate units;
• Calculation of the consistency;
• The cadastral area;
• The DOCFA procedure;
• The rurality requirements of residential buildings and buildings instrumental to agricultural activities;

Didactic Unit 6: Practical activities with PREGEO (10 hours)
Carrying out a topographical survey and preparation of an update act ('tipo mappale' or 'tipo di frazionamento') through PREGEO.


Didactic material provided by the teacher (available on "Virtuale"). For further information: • Genio rurale Vol. 1. Carte, misure, rilievi. di R. Cannarozzo, L. Cucchiarini, W. Meschieri. Zanichelli. 2016. • Pregeo 10.6 e il catasto terreni. Di I. Milazzo. Maggioli Editore, 2015 •GIS e ambiente, Guida all'uso di ArcGIS per l'analisi del territorio e la valutazione ambientale. G. Graci, P. Pileri, M. Sedazzari, Dario Flaccovio Editore, 2008. Manuale ArcGIS 10, Guida pratica con esercizi svolti, Autori: Giovanni Salerno - Barbara Guandalini. •GIS Open source per geologia e ambiente, analisi e gestione di dati territoriali e ambientali con QGIS. V. Noti. Dario Flaccovio Editore, 2014. •Sistemi Informativi Territoriali, F. Migliaccio, D. Carrion, UTET Università, 2020.

Teaching methods

Theoretical notions are taught through lectures supported by the video projection of teaching material (presentations and documents), websites (also interactive), multimedia material, and demonstrations carried out with GIS software and topographic software. The practical and applicative knowledge is provided through guided exercises on the use of GIS and PREGEO software and through exercises / demonstrations concerning the use of digital topographic tools and survey software and the updating procedures of cadastral cartography and related census data.

Considering the type of activity and teaching methods adopted, the attendance of this course unit requires that the students have already participated in training modules 1 and 2 on safety in the study places, [https: //elearning-sicurezza.unibo .it /] in e-learning mode.

Assessment methods

Assessment takes place through an oral interview during which the knowledge and skills acquired in relation to each of the theoretical and practical / applicative teaching units are assessed. The student is asked:
1. a question relating to the theoretical contents of cartography and digital cartography
2. a question relating to the theoretical contents of surveying
3. a question relating to the use of digital cartography with GIS software: the student will be asked to perform some operations on the computer in the GIS environment starting from one of the projects carried out by the students during the course exercises (students must bring their own laptop on which they carried out the exercises during the course).
4. the presentation of the PREGEO exercise carried out during the course
5. a question on cadastral cartography
6. a question about the characteristics of the Italian Cadastre. 
The student must reach a sufficient level of preparation in all teaching units, and the overall assessment is formulated taking into account jointly the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student in relation to the contents of all the teaching units. All the questions contribute equally to the determination of the final grade.
The dates, times and locations of the exams are published on the degree course website and on AlmaEsami. To register for the exams use the web application AlmaEsami.

Teaching tools

PC and video projector. Survey instruments and software.

Office hours

See the website of Daniele Torreggiani

See the website of Stefano Benni