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Natacha Sarah Alexandra Niemants

Associate Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: L-LIN/04 Language and Translation – French


Niemants Natacha, Teoria e prassi dell'interpretazione dialogica, in: Interpretare da e verso l'italiano: didattica e innovazione per la formazione dell'interprete, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2021, pp. 41 - 59 [Chapter or essay]

Niemants Natacha Sarah Alexandra, Metodi di trascrizione e analisi del parlato interpretato, «MEDIAZIONI», 2020, 29, pp. 52 - 82 [Scientific article]Open Access

Falbo Caterina; Niemants Natacha Sarah Alexandra, Œuvrer pour se comprendre : de la responsabilité de l’interprète et des autres participants, in: Ballardini, Elio; Falbo, Caterina; Niemants, Natacha; Chastre, Lucile; Favart, Françoise; Dufiet, Jean-Paul; Ravazzolo, Elisa; Spagnoli, Frédéric; Peris, Rafael Díaz, Regards sur les médiations culturelles et sociales. Acteurs, dispositifs, publics, enjeux linguistiques et identitaires, Trento, Università di Trento - Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, 2020, pp. 39 - 66 (LABIRINTI) [Chapter or essay]

Natacha Niemants, La voix des patient.e.s en santé reproductive: pour une interprétation des (non)-dits, «MEDIAZIONI», 2019, 26, Article number: 9 , pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article]Open Access

castagnoli sara; natacha sarah alexandra niemants, Corpora worth creating: A pilot study on telephone interpreting, «INTRALINEA ON LINE TRANSLATION JOURNAL», 2018, special, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

Natacha Niemants, Des enregistrements aux corpus: transcription et extraction de données d'interprétation en milieu médical, «META», 2018, 63(3), pp. 665 - 694 [Scientific article]

natacha sarah alexandra niemants, L'interprétation des français parlés en interaction, «INTRALINEA ON LINE TRANSLATION JOURNAL», 2018, special, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]Open Access

natacha sarah alexandra niemants, Savoir pour interpréter: une étude de cas en contexte médical, in: TRADUIRE L’AUTRE. Pratiques interlinguistiques et écritures ethnographiques, Paris, L'harmattan, 2018, pp. 189 - 211 [Chapter or essay]

Natacha Niemants; Letizia Cirillo, Dialogue interpreting. Research, education and professional practice, in: Teaching Dialogue Interpreting. Research-based proposals for higher education, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2017, pp. 1 - 25 [Chapter or essay]

NIEMANTS, NATACHA SARAH ALEXANDRA, L’ ‘entre-deux-rencontres’: Activités de médiation autour des entretiens, «DRAGOMAN», 2017, 5, pp. 142 - 163 [Scientific article]

NIEMANTS, NATACHA SARAH ALEXANDRA, La médiation interculturelle: un dialogue au service de la santé, in: La médiation dans un monde sans frontières, Parigi, Mare & Martin, 2017, pp. 47 - 72 [Chapter or essay]

Cirillo, Letizia; NIEMANTS, NATACHA SARAH ALEXANDRA, Teaching Dialogue Interpreting. Research-based proposals for higher education, NLD, John Benjamins, 2017, pp. 393 . [Editorship]

NIEMANTS, NATACHA SARAH ALEXANDRA; PALLOTTI, Gabriele, The human viewpoint and the system's viewpoint, in: Task-based language learning in a real-world digital environment. The European digital kitchen, Londra, Bloomsbury, 2017, pp. 99 - 134 [Chapter or essay]

NIEMANTS, NATACHA SARAH ALEXANDRA; Stokoe, Elizabeth, Using the Conversation Analytic Role-play Method in healthcare interpreter education, in: Teaching Dialogue Interpreting. Research-based proposals for higher education, NLD, John Benjamins, 2017, pp. 293 - 321 [Chapter or essay]

PALLOTTI, Gabriele; NIEMANTS, NATACHA SARAH ALEXANDRA; Seedhouse, Paul, Vocabulary learning in a real-world digital environment, in: Task-based language learning in a real-world digital environment. The European digital kitchen, Londra, Bloomsbury, 2017, pp. 207 - 229 [Chapter or essay]

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