Foto del docente

Natacha Sarah Alexandra Niemants

Associate Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: L-LIN/04 Language and Translation – French

Curriculum vitae


2005 - Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Dialogue Interpreting at the Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT, University of Bologna).
2008 - Master's Degree in Conference Interpreting at the Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT, University of Bologna)
2012 – PhD in Human Sciences, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia


  1. Camera di Commercio di Forlì-Cesena, 13/09/2002
    award for full marks and honour in the A-level in Foreign Languages and Literature.
  2. Università di Bologna a Forlì, 19/09/2004 – 13/02/2005
    Erasmus" grant for a study period abroad (6 months). University of Portsmouth, UK.
  3. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 01/01/2009 – 01/06/2012
    Research grant within the doctoral school in Human Sciences – Compared Languages and Cultures.
  4. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 01/11/2012 – 31/10/2013
    Research grant within a Lifelong Learning Programme project. Title of research “Cucina digitale Lancook”.
  5. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 10/10/2013 – 26/10/2013
    Mobility grant. Hosting institution “Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon”.
  6. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 16/11/2015 – 15/11/2017
    Research grant. Title of research “Raccolta dati e analisi sulla comunicazione con i pazienti migranti, con e senza mediatrici linguistico-culturali, in alcuni servizi dell’ASL di Reggio Emilia”.
  7. Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 23/01/2017-31/12/2021
    Maître de Conférences (sezione 07 – Sciences du Langage), qualification number: 17207304070.
  8. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 16/11/2017 – 15/11/2018
    Research grant within an Erasmus+ project. Title of research “Linguacuisine”.
  9. Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca, 29/03/2018 – 29/03/2024
    Abilitazione alle funzioni di Professore di II fascia (settore concorsuale 10/H1 Lingua, Letteratura e Cultura francese).
  10. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 28/09/2018 – 08/11/2018
    € 30.000 financed by a competitive FAR 2018 programme for Junior researchers. Totle of research: “Tecnologia portatile e apprendimento linguistico: un’analisi di interazioni uomo-macchina in diversi contesti d’uso”. The funding was revoked on 08/11/2018, following the resignation by the undersigned who took up service as an RTDb at the University of Bologna.



Member of the scientific committee of the following conferences/series: Colloque international Migrations (Mons, Belgio), InDialog4 (Gand, Belgio), XXI FIT Congress (Brisbane, Australia); 7° ALAPP Conference (Ghent, Belgium); Studi AItLA (since 2018)

Referee for the following journals: MediAzioni (2015), Dragoman (2016), Journal of Legal Discourse (2017), The Interpreters’ Newsletter (2017, 2018) and for the series "Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing" (2018) and "Eurosla Studies" (2019) of Language Science Press 

Member of the organising committee of the following conferences/workshops: Assuring access to essential public services: Training issues in interpreter-mediated interaction (AIM, Modena, 9-10 May 2013); Dinamiche dell’interazione: Testo, dialogo, applicazioni educative (AItLA, Modena e Reggio Emilia, 18-20 February 2016); Interacting with migrant patients in healthcare services: Improving communication through research (UNIMORE, Modena, 13 December 2016, as well as member of the Organizing Committee of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics since 18/02/2016.



  1. “Pour une traduction/interprétation spécialisée : Quelques stratégies de travail dans le web 2.0”, 6 Aprile 2011, Università di Perugia Statale.
  2. “LanCook : Une cuisine plurilingue”. Presentazione rivolta a studenti francesisti, 15 May 2013, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano.
  3. “La responsabilité du médiateur dans l’accès aux soins des immigrés”. Colloque international Médiation et droits linguistiques, 23 January 2014, Università degli Studi di Padova.
  4. “Médiation à l’hôpital: De l’analyse conversationnelle aux retombées éducatives”. Colloque international Une approche linguistique de la médiation: Quelles retombées, 9 December 2014, Università degli studi di Padova.
  5. “L’interprétation-médiation en milieu médical: De la théorie à la pratique” (1st part), 16 December 2015, Università di Trieste.
  6. “L’interprétation-médiation en milieu médical: De la théorie à la pratique” (2nd part), 19 October 2016, Università di Trieste.
  7. L’interprétation de dialogue en milieu médical. Du jeu de rôle à l’exercice d’une responsabilité, 28 April 2017, Università di Perugia Statale.
  8. Coordination of one of the three workshops organized at “Migration et interprétations: des dispositifs et des pratiques. Conférences et ateliers”, 6 October 2017, ENS de Lyon, Lyon.
  9. “Dare voce a chi non ce l’ha: esempi di mediazione linguistica con donne migranti in contesti sanitari”, with Letizia Cirillo in the framework of the Giornata della Traduzione, 2 May 2018, Università di Siena, Arezzo.
  10. “Interpretazione e mediazione: un dialogo al servizio della salute”, Alternanza scuola-lavoro Prospettive su traduzione e mediazione, 6 February 2019, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena.
  11. “Using the Conversation Analytic Role-Play Method in the training of interpreters/mediators” workshop within the framework of the project Training newsly arrived migrants for community interpreting and intercultural mediation (TRAMIG), 30 October 2019, Università di Trieste, Trieste.
  12. “Oeuvrer pour se comprendre: l’interprète et les autres participants”, with Caterina Falbo in the framework of La médiation culturelle et sociale. Ses acteurs, ses dispositifs, ses publics et ses enjeux linguistiques et identitaires, 7 November 2019, University of Trento, Trento.
  13. “La co-costruzione di interazioni mediate in ambito medico: focus sulla salute riproduttiva” in the framework of the Ciclo di incontri La mediazione linguistica incontra il mondo delle professioni VII, 5 May 2021, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, facoltà di Studi Umanistici, Dipartimento di Lettere, Lingue e Beni culturali, Teams.
  14. “Observer pour produire: l’utilisation de corpus de langues parlées en interaction dans la formation des interprètes de dialogue” within the sumnmer school Corpus et Didactique (ECODIC 2021) held in Nancy from 30 August to 3 september 2021.
  15. “Interpretare le emozioni (ri)conoscerle per (re)agire consapevolmente nell’interazione mediata” within the conference Sentirle, parlarne, tradurle, 15 March 2023, Università di Bologna a Forlì.
  16. “Observer pour produire: l’utilisation de corpus de langues parlées en interaction dans la formation des interprètes de dialogue” within the sumnmer school Corpus et Didactique (ECODIC 2023) held in Lyon from 28 August to 1 September 2023.

- “Progetto di traduzione e commento di una poesia di L.S. Senghor tratta dalla raccolta Canti d’ombra: un contributo alla relazione della Prof.ssa Natasa Raschi”. Paper presented at Giornate culturali senegalesi: L.S. SENGHOR, poeta e pensatore. 24/05/2003, Associazione socio-culturale dei senegalesi della Romagna, Forlì.
- “Resurrecting the corp(us/se): The transcription of oral data”. Poster presented at the Modena International Workshop Studies on Language variation and Textual interpretation, 16/10/2009, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena.
- “La mediazione linguistico-culturale in ambito sanitario: un confronto tra Italia e Belgio”. Paper presented at Descrivere le migrazioni in trasformazione, costruire strumenti per la salute e l’inclusione in un’ottica di mediazione integrata, 26/05/2010, Albero della Salute, Prato.
- “Interpreter training and education: Role-play, guidelines for use”. Paper presented at the 6th International Critical Link conference, 28/07/2010, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
- “Mediare tra professione e formazione: Un approccio interazionista”. Paper presented at Mediazione interculturale: collocazione delle risorse formate e valorizzazione delle competenze, 5/05/2011, Sede della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, Roma.
- “La médiation linguistique et culturelle: Entre profession et formation”. Paper presented at Doctorants & Recherche 2011, 23/09/2011, Università di Brescia, Brescia.
- “L’utilisation de corpus d’entretiens cliniques réels et simulés pour la didactique de l’interprétation en milieu médical”. Paper presented at CERLIS 2012 I corpora nella ricerca e nella didattica dei linguaggi specialistici, 22/06/2012, Università di Bergamo.
- “Liaisons fructueuses entre recherche et didactique: De l’analyse de conversation au jeu de rôle”. Paper presented at Workshop CLAPI, 11-12/10/2012, Università di Lyon 2 (Laboratoire ICAR e Labex ASLAN), Lyon, Francia.
- “Pratiche plurilingui e comunicazione in ambito sanitario: La mediazione interlinguistica e interculturale nella cura della persona”. Paper presented with Federico Farini at Plurilinguismo e mondo del lavoro. La qualità della comunicazione, 26/10/2012, Università di Udine, Udine.
- “La mediazione linguistico-culturale: Un’analisi empirica di conversazioni autentiche”. Paper presented with Laura Gavioli at Seminario formativo aziendale: la comunicazione interculturale e il ruolo della mediazione, 8/11/2012, Ospedale M. Bufalini, Cesena.
- “LanCook - La Cucina Digitale Europea”. Paper presented with Gabriele Pallotti at In cerca di cibo di Autunno Slow, 18/11/2012, Teatro comunale di Portico e San Benedetto.
- “La voix de l’interprète dans l’entretien clinique réel et simulé”. Paper presented at Interpretazione dialogica: aspetti teorici, didattici e professionali, 23/11/2012, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste.
- “LanCook - La Cucina Digitale Europea”. Paper presented with Gabriele Pallotti at Applicazioni pratiche dell’analisi conversazionale, 20-21/04/2013, DILIT International House, Roma.
- “Cosa bolle in pentola nella cucina digitale italiana – What’s cooking in the Italian digital kitchen?”. Presentation to local and foreign students, 07/05/2013, UNIMORE, Modena.
- “Training interpreters to real interpreter-mediated interactions: On how to use authentic material in authentic ways”. Paper presented at the 7th International Critical Link conference, 19/06/2013, Glendon College, Toronto, Canada.
- “One, no one, and one hundred thousand: Two case studies in television interpreting”. Paper presented with Eugenia Dal Fovo at EST conference, 31/08/2013, Università di Mainz, Germersheim, Germania.
- “La traduction téléphonique en milieu médical: De l’analyse conversationnelle aux implications pratiques”. Paper presented with Sara Castagnoli at Colloque Do.Ri.F., 8/11/2013, Università degli studi di Genova.
- “Peut-on apprendre une langue en cuisinant? La cuisine numérique portable LanCook”. Paper presented with Gabriele Pallotti at Progetti per l’apprendimento linguistico: Pluralità di obiettivi, metodologie e strumenti, 4/02/2014, Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione, Bologna.
- “Un syllabus de formation pragmatique: Réflexions sur la pratique“. Paper presented with Gabriele Pallotti at Journée d’étude autour de la mise à disposition de corpus de langue parlée / en interaction pour l’enseignement du français, 19/05/2014, ENS, Lyon, Francia.
- “Learning languages, cultures and cuisines in digital interactive environments: What’s cooking in the Italian portable kitchen?”. Paper presented with Gabriele Pallotti at First international conference on Food and Culture in Translation, 23/05/2014, Università di Bologna, Bertinoro.
- “Bilan, besoins et suggestions sur le volet enseignement: CLAPI (et PFC) en Italie”. Paper presented at Journée de travail dans le cadre du travail engagé sur l’adaptation de bases de données de corpus pour l'enseignement du FLE, 12/03/2015, ENS, Lyon, Francia.
- “Corpora worth creating: A pilot study on telephone interpreting”. Paper presented with Sara Castagnoli at Corpus-based Interpreting Studies international workshop, 7-8/05/2015, Università di Bologna, Forlì.
- “The AIM corpus of dialogue interpreting in healthcare: Some thoughts on coding, counting, searching”. Paper presented with Laura Gavioli and Claudio Baraldi at the PANEL Benefits of working with corpora in community interpreting research: From qualitative analysis to quantitative verification – and back, Corpus-based Interpreting Studies international workshop, 7-8/05/2015, Università di Bologna, Forlì.
- “Il role-play nella didattica dell’interpretazione dialogica: focus sull’apprendente”. Paper presented with Letizia Cirillo at XVI Congresso AItLA Dinamiche dell’interazione: Testo, dialogo, applicazioni educative, 18-20/02/2016, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.
- “‘L’entre-deux-rencontres’: Activités de médiation autour des entretiens”. Paper presented at Colloque international Interprétation dans les services publics, 20/05/2016, Università di Mons, Belgio.
- “From archives to corpora: Extracting data for analysis, from a collection of interpreter-mediated interactions”. Paper presented with Claudio Baraldi and Laura Gavioli at the PANEL Working with corpora in community interpreting research: challenges and opportunities, 8th International Critical Link conference, 29/06/2016, Heriot Watt, Edimburgo, UK.
- “Two-party interactions in healthcare: Can there be any mediation in the absence of the third participant?”. Paper presented at the 8th International Critical Link conference, 01/07/2016, Heriot Watt, Edimburgo, UK.
- “Patients' initiatives and their uptake. A closer look at disalignment sequences”. Paper presented with Anna Claudia Ticca and Véronique Traverso at Interacting with migrant patients in healthcare services: Improving communication through research, 13/12/2016, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena.
- “Transcribing, translating, and searching interactions using ELAN: Taking stock of one year experience”. Paper presented at Interacting with migrant patients in healthcare services: Improving communication through research, 13/12/2016, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena.
- “Some notes on electronic collections of dialogue interpreting data: corpora or archives?”. Paper presented with Laura Gavioli at 1er Congrès Mondial de Traductologie de la SOFT, 11/04/2017, Université Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense, Parigi.
- “(Re-)designing questions for filling out records of medical history with migrant patients: language-mediated and non-language mediated interaction”. Paper presented with Laura Gavioli at IPRA International Pragmatics Conference, 19/07/2017, Ulster University, Belfast, UK.
- “Migrants’ participation in pregnancy pathways: an analysis of patients’ initiatives in talk before and after childbirth”. Paper presented at Dialogue, Interaction and Culture: Multidisciplinary perspectives on language use in everyday life, 14/10/2017, Università di Bologna, bologna.
- “Savoir pour interpréter: une étude de cas en contexte médical”. Paper presented at Traduire l’autre, pratiques interlinguistiques et écritures ethnographiques, 10/11/2017, Università di Bologna, Forlì.
- “Savoir pour interpréter: a case study in a medical context”. Paper presented at Comprendere le re(l)azioni, mediare le interazioni, 21/11/2017, Università di Macerata, Macerata.
- “L’interazione medico-paziente in ambito andrologico: meccanismi di partecipazione e comunicazione centrata sul paziente”. Paper presented with Daniele Santi at the 1° GASMore workshop, 9/02/2018, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena.
- “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale: concetti chiave e consigli utili per la domanda”. Paper presented with Francesco Pagliacci at the 2° GASMore workshop, 27/04/2018, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena.
- “The AIM corpus: some notes on the electronic collection of interpreter-mediated interaction”. Paper presented with Laura Gavioli to the XV AISV international congress, 16/02/2019, Università di Siena, Arezzo.
- “Santé reproductive et patient.e.s doublement sans voix”. Paper presented to the first conference organised by the research group Oralité Interaction Dialogue of Do.Ri.F and entitled La parole des sans voix. Questionnements linguistiques et enjeux sociétaux, 21/03/2019, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste.
- “La participation des migrant.e.s à la consultation médicale: former les professionnels de la santé reproductive à une communication plus inclusive”. Paper presented to the international conference Professionnel.le.s et recherche en linguistique appliquée : défis méthodologiques, enjeux sociétaux et perspectives d’intervention, 26/06/2019, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lione.
- “L’accueil des patients de l’AOF dans les institutions de soins en Italie : pour une interprétation des silences”. Paper presented to the international conference Les territoires de la linguistique pour le développement (POCLANDE), 24/10/2019, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Bordeaux.
- “The interpreter and the other participants: an interplay towards understanding”. Paper presented with Caterina Falbo at the PANEL organized by Natacha Niemants and Anne Délizée: Authentic data in healthcare: specific interpreting contexts through specific analytical lenses, InDialog3 conference, 22 November 2019, KU Leuven, Antwerpen, Belgium.
- “It’s not just about the interpreter: training medical students and healthcare professionals for interpreter-mediated interaction in healthcare”. Paper presented with ReACTMe project colleagues Christopher Garwood and Eleonora Bernardi, COMET conference on Communication, Medicine & Ethics, 30 June 2021, Università dell’Insubria, Como.
- “De la scène de l’aide à la scène de l’audition : récits et reformulations dans l’interaction avec des requérants de protection internationale”. Paper presented at the conference of the Réseau POCLANDE Développement durable. Amplifier les langues, valoriser les cultures, impliquer les populations, 29 october 2021.
- “Comparative analysis of the state of the art of medical interpreting in Italy”. Paper presented with the colleague of the ReACTMe project Francesca Gnani to the final event, 21 luglio 2022, Universidad San Jorge, Saragozza.
- “La visibilità dell’interprete televisivo in sola voce: il caso del talkshow Che tempo che fa”. Paper presented with the colleagues Antonella Sannolla and Gabi Mack to the conference Interpretare interagendo – integragire interpretando, 31 March 2023, Università di Trieste.
- “Preparing interpreting students for healthcare services: from multiple teaching methods to local professional communities”. Paper presented at the conference InDialog4, 18 September 2023, University of Gent, Belgium.



Free-lance conference interpreter (simultaneous, consecutive, chuchotage, remote video and telephone interpreting) and translator from 2008 to 2018 and occasionally also after. Specialized in medicine and ICT.
Dialogue interpreter at various hospitals of the Emilia Romagna region (Area Vasta della Romagna).
Translation and editing services for privates, companies and translation agancies. Specialized in tourism, fashion, web and academic writing.
Journalist for “Corriere Romagna” (Cesena).
Working languages: Italian (A), French (A), English (B).

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