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Diana Di Gioia

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari

Settore scientifico disciplinare: AGRI-08/A Microbiologia agraria, alimentare e ambientale

Coordinatrice del Corso di Dottorato in Scienze e tecnologie agrarie, ambientali e alimentari


Galluzzo, F.; Attard, E.; Di Gioia, D., Emilia Romagna and Malta: A comparative ethnobotanical study, «ETHNOBOTANY RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS», 2021, 22, pp. 1 - 15 [articolo]

Baffoni L.; Alberoni D.; Gaggia F.; Braglia C.; Stanton C.; Ross P.R.; Di Gioia D., Honeybee Exposure to Veterinary Drugs: How Is the Gut Microbiota Affected?, «MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM», 2021, 9, Article number: e00176-21, pp. 1 - 16 [articolo]Open Access

Alberoni D.; Baffoni L.; Braglia C.; Gaggia F.; Di Gioia D., Honeybees exposure to natural feed additives: How is the gut microbiota affected?, «MICROORGANISMS», 2021, 9, Article number: 1009, pp. 1 - 16 [articolo]Open Access

Stanton C.; Mills S.; Ryan A.; Di Gioia D.; Ross R.P., Influence of pasture feeding on milk and meat products in terms of human health and product quality, «IRISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH», 2021, 59, pp. 292 - 302 [articolo]Open Access

Alberoni D.; Favaro R.; Baffoni L.; Angeli S.; Di Gioia D., Neonicotinoids in the agroecosystem: In-field long-term assessment on honeybee colony strength and microbiome, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2021, 762, Article number: 144116, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access

Braglia C.; Alberoni D.; Porrini M.P.; Garrido M.P.; Baffoni L.; Di Gioia D., Screening of dietary ingredients against the honey bee parasite Nosema ceranae, «PATHOGENS», 2021, 10, Article number: 1117, pp. 1 - 17 [articolo]Open Access

Solito A.; Bozzi Cionci N.; Calgaro M.; Caputo M.; Vannini L.; Hasballa I.; Archero F.; Giglione E.; Ricotti R.; Walker G.E.; Petri A.; Agosti E.; Bellomo G.; Aimaretti G.; Bona G.; Bellone S.; Amoruso A.; Pane M.; Di Gioia D.; Vitulo N.; Prodam F., Supplementation with Bifidobacterium breve BR03 and B632 strains improved insulin sensitivity in children and adolescents with obesity in a cross-over, randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial, «CLINICAL NUTRITION», 2021, 40, pp. 4585 - 4594 [articolo]Open Access

Giulio Demetrio Perulli, Francesca Gaggia, Giovambattista Sorrenti, Irene Donati, Alexandra Boini, Kushtrim Bresilla, Luigi Manfrini, Loredana Baffoni, Diana Di Gioia, Luca Corelli Grappadelli, Francesco Spinelli, Brunella Morandi, Treated wastewater as irrigation source: a microbiological and chemical evaluation in apple and nectarine trees, «AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT», 2021, 244, Article number: 106403, pp. 1 - 12 [articolo]Open Access

Di Gioia D.; Bozzi Cionci N.; Baffoni L.; Amoruso A.; Pane M.; Mogna L.; Gaggia F.; Lucenti M.A.; Bersano E.; Cantello R.; De Marchi F.; Mazzini L., A prospective longitudinal study on the microbiota composition in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, «BMC MEDICINE», 2020, 18, Article number: 153, pp. 1 - 19 [articolo]Open Access

Frassinetti, S.; Gabriele, M.; Moccia, E.; Longo, V.; Di Gioia, D., Antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of Cannabis sativa L. seeds extract against Staphylococcus aureus and growth effects on probiotic Lactobacillus spp, «LEBENSMITTEL-WISSENSCHAFT + TECHNOLOGIE», 2020, 124, Article number: 109149, pp. 109149 - 109154 [articolo]Open Access

Wang J.; Zou Y.; Di Gioia D.; Singh B.K.; Li Q., Conversion to agroforestry and monoculture plantation is detrimental to the soil carbon and nitrogen cycles and microbial communities of a rainforest, «SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY», 2020, 147, Article number: 107849, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access

Merten C.; Schoonjans R.; Di Gioia D.; Pelaez C.; Sanz Y.; Maurici D.; Robinson T., Editorial: Exploring the need to include microbiomes into EFSA's scientific assessments, «EFSA JOURNAL», 2020, 18, Article number: e18061, pp. 1 - 7 [articolo]Open Access

Totaro, G.; Sisti, L.; Cionci, N. B.; Martinez, G. A.; Di Gioia, D.; Celli, A., Elastomeric/antibacterial properties in novel random Ricinus communis based-copolyesters, «POLYMER TESTING», 2020, 90, Article number: 106719, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]Open Access

Wang J.; Wang J.; Bughio M.A.; Zou Y.; Prodi A.; Baffoni L.; Di Gioia D., Flavonoid levels rather than soil nutrients is linked with Fusarium community in the soybean [Glycine max(L.) Merr.] rhizosphere under consecutive monoculture, «PLANT AND SOIL», 2020, 450, pp. 201 - 215 [articolo]Open Access

Maurizio Canavari, Alessandra Castellini, Diana Di Gioia, Francesca Gaggia, Vilma Xhakollari, Andras Sebok, Innovations proposed by Italian SFSCs in the Smartchain project, in: N/A, 2020(atti di: Transform local food systems through sustainable consumption and production, Ecosite, Crest, Drôme, France, 5th – 7th of October 2020) [atti di convegno-poster]

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