91056 - Methods and Research Tools for the Compilative or Proactical-Professional Dissertation

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Pharmacy (cod. 5987)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Pharmacy (cod. 9078)

Learning outcomes

The student begins the preparation of the thesis by choosing the type of desk-based or practical-professional thesis in the programme regulations, under the guidance of an advisor.

Course contents

At the end of the second semester of the fourth year of the Pharmacy course, the achievement of 12 ECTS is expected for passing the eligibility for course 32481 - RESEARCH METHODS AND TOOLS FOR THE THESIS (FINAL EXAMINATION I).

The acquisition of these credits concerns thesis projects such as : bibliographic, practical-professional, experimental. To take this exam, the student must have gained at least 120 ECTS (2 years of activity), being in the middle or at the end of the thesis project.

In the middle or at the end of the thesis project, the student, under the guidance of the academic supervisor, writes a report, with the title, the state of the art, the objectives and the tools for achieving the results of the thesis project.

The report, signed by the supervisor and the external referent in the case of internship in a hospital or private company, will be presented to the Commission before the exam short interview, at the end of which the commission will evaluate the report and, if deemed suitable, will award the student the required 12 credits.

In the case of an experimental thesis carried out in an external structure (e.g. private company, hospital, etc ...), the student will have to fill an appropriate booklet for daily presence and for insurance coverage.


The books and scientific articles will be recommended by the thesis supervisor and the bibliographic research will be carried out mainly in the computerized bibliographic system of the university.

Teaching methods

The academic supervisor will follow the student in carrying out the thesis, preparing him for the compilation of the thesis project report which must be set up by following the scheme in the attached form


Assessment methods

The student sends the project outline report via email to Prof. Andrisano (vincenza.andrisano@unibo.it), before the exam session. The exam consists in the explanation of the thesis project submitted to the commission.

here is the form to be filled in, signed by the thesis supervisor and sent by email before exam:


Teaching tools

The student will be guided by the thesis supervisor in drafting the outline of the thesis project.

Office hours

See the website of Vincenza Andrisano


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.