90909 - Workshop 2 (WS D)

Academic Year 2022/2023

Learning outcomes

Workshops are designed to provide students with transversal skills that can prove useful in their future careers. The objective of the workshop is to help students to practice skills through application of information technology, data analysis, decision-making techniques (e.g. simulation) in complex organizations.

Course contents

- Introduction to programming in R

- Main programming and data structures.

- Graphical functions.

- introduction to data analysis.

- Exploratory data analysis with simple statistical and graphical tools.

- Regression with classical and Machine Learning techniques.

- Case study on a data set.

Teaching methods

Laboratory lessons.

N.B. Considering the didactic methods used, to attend this activity in presence all the students must have completed modules 1 and 2 of security course [https://elearning-sicurezza.unibo.it/] in e-learning mode.


Assessment methods

Evaluation of a report of the student from a trace given by the teacher.

Teaching tools

slides of the teacher.

Office hours

See the website of Elena Loli Piccolomini


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.