Academic Year 2022/2023

Learning outcomes

Al termine del laboratorio lo studente: - è capace di muoversi autonomamente nell'applicare le tecniche specifiche apprese in modo autonomo o all'interno di progettazioni organizzate dalle istituzioni; - sa confrontarsi con altri soggetti sulle modalità d'uso e di documentazione delle tecniche apprese; - sa collocare il sapere specifico appreso in differenti tipologie di servizio; - sa valutare i limiti e i pregi delle strumentazioni tecniche apprese; - sa trasferire le tecnologie apprese in contesti differenziati apportandovi modificazioni e integrazioni personali.

Course contents

The workshop entitled Educating for active citizenship through the historical-educational heritage intends to focus attention on the contribution that current pioneering studies on the historical-educational and scholastic heritage at national and international level can offer to the future social and cultural educator. A theoretical part will be provided on the concept, sources and methods of the historical-educational heritage and education for active citizenship, with some significant examples of existing intertwining. Some research and action paths will be proposed on the recovery of individual and collective cultural and educational history and memory of the educational services of the area by promoting personal or small group research, which foster the acquisition of skills in oral history. In this way, the laboratory intends to contribute to the formation of a more conscious reflection on the educational practices carried out, but also to the importance of documenting and reconstructing the history and memory of some educational services and professionalism otherwise destined not to leave a trace of oneself, memory .


A.Ascenzi, C. Covato, J. Meda (a cura di), La pratica educativa. Storia, memoria e patrimonio. Atti del 1° Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana per lo studio del Patrimonio Storico-Educativo (Palma de Mallorca, 20-23 novembre 2018), Macerata, Eum Edizioni, 2020 (introduction and 1 contribution of your choice).

M. D’Ascenzo, F. Ventura, Cento anni della Scuola Sacro Cuore di Borgo Panigale a Bologna. Un’esperienza di storia e memoria scolastica collettiva, Roma, TAB, 2022.

More precise indications will be provided in relation to the work to be agreed and carried out.

Teaching methods

In the framework of a laboratory teaching, a first phase of theoretical-methodological 'frontal' lesson will be combined with group activities focused on various research fields, including the analysis of documentary sources of educational services and / or the creation of video interviews with protagonists of educational and professional history in the area, intended as a historical-educational heritage to be known, preserved and valued for the professional training of educators.

There will be meetings with experts of citizenship education projects carried out through the historical-educational heritage, especially on oral sources.

Assessment methods

There is a final paper to be agreed to be carried out individually or in small groups and to be presented at the last meeting.

The laboratory is to be considered as a normal course and, therefore, students will be evaluated at the end of the teaching period based on the work done during the laboratory.

The evaluation criteria used will be active participation in the workshop and individual contribution to the work carried out in groups.

As foreseen by the D.M. 270, the evaluation of the Laboratory, whose attendance is mandatory (20 hours a day), will take place using suitable or unsuitable judgments.

Teaching tools

Powerpoints, films and seminar meetings with experts.

Office hours

See the website of Mirella D'Ascenzo