95145 - Specialized Translation into Legal Portuguese

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Specialized translation (cod. 9174)

Learning outcomes

The student has an in-depth knowledge of metalanguage and of the different aspects of a descriptive-analytical model of the Portuguese language, and is competent in all communication skills at least at level B2 of the parameters set by the Council of Europe, therefore the course is aimed at students who possess:

a) a good knowledge of the Portuguese language;

b) an excellent command of the Italian language.

Students will be able to recognize the main textual conventions of the discursive genres of Portuguese legal communication compared to Italian in the specific institution of Family Law, and the advanced tools to reuse them at the lexical and thermological, thermological, semantic, thermological, semantic level, thermological, semantic, thermological, semantic, thermological, semantic, thermological, semantic.

At the end of the course, students will have acquired an awareness of their skills in the four communication skills provided for by the Common European Framework of Reference for languages necessary to ensure effective communication in Portuguese in the sectoral scope of the course.

As regards the transversal objectives of the course, students will acquire the analysis methodology necessary to understand, analyze and manage some of the main legal textual types, through the examination of the structures of the Portuguese language and reflection on the organization of the text. ; they will thus be able to activate analysis strategies appropriate to the fundamental (con) texts of the legal sphere in the specific sector of Family Law.

Course contents

This optional course will be held only in the first semester of this academic year and in order to participate and take the final exam, it must have been included in your study plan.

The study of law today cannot ignore a preparation in terms of language and legal translation, since it is increasingly frequent, even for the jurist who deals only with domestic law, the comparison with texts expressed in a language other than that employed by himself. The problem of the correct use of a legal concept in a translation context appears to be urgent, and this course of legal language from and in Portuguese aims to provide the student with an awareness of the problems associated with this type of text, and to equip him with the tools basis to act in this area. Therefore, students will be able to recognize the main textual conventions of the discursive genres of Portuguese legal communication in comparison with the Italian one in the specific sector of Family Law, and will have the methodological tools to reuse them at the lexical and terminological, phraseological, morphosyntactic, semantic and pragmatic levels.

As regards the transversal objectives of the course, students will acquire the analysis methodology necessary to understand, analyze and manage some of the main legal textual typologies, through the examination of the structures of the Portuguese language and the reflection on the organization of the text. able to activate analysis strategies appropriate to the fundamental (con) texts of the legal sphere in the specific sector of Family Law, this sector the most requested in Italy in relation to Portugal.

In particular:

  • Law as a linguistic fact
  • The words of law and their meaning
  • The various problems of legal translation into and from Portuguese Multilingualism in law: the question of translation
  • Case studies on normative texts and specific documents of family law
  • Analysis of the different communication levels and their interface with the legal discourse
  • Study of the legal vocabulary
  • Punctuation and editorial rules
  • Analysis of the linguistic and editorial aspects of the legal text,
  • interpretation and construction of the text



- Handout prepared by the teacher which will be made available on the "Virtual" pages of the course.

- Ferreira, Anabela (2019) A língua do Direito de Família - Peculiaridades, problemáticas e prática da linguagem setorial jurídica em confronto entre português e italiano para estudantes PLE, Bologna, BUP.

This volume will be donated to all course participants.


Bibliography for further information:

AAVV, (2019) Direito12 – caderno de atividades, Porto, Porto editora

Ascenção, José Oliveira (1994) O Direito, Introdução e Teoria Geral, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Castro, João Mendes (1994) Introdução ao estudo do direito, Lisboa,Rei dos Livros

Falcão, José (2017) Noções Gerais de Direito, Vila Nova de Gaia, Calendário de Letras

Machado, João Baptista (2008) Introdução ao Direito e Discurso Legitimador, Coimbra, Almedina

Malcata, Hermínia (2009) Português Jurídico para alunos de PLE, Lisboa, Lidel

Pereira, Maria Margarida Silva (2019) Direito das sucessões – casos práticos corrigidos e para auto-avaliação – Jurisprudência seleccionada, Lisboa, AAFDL Editora

Tereso, Nelson (2019) O lado prático do direito sucessório – resolução de hipóteses práticas e minutas, Lisboa, AAFDL Editora



Bartolozzi, Maddalena (2019) Proposta di risorsa terminologica per interpreti italofoni: un glossario in portoghese europeo e italiano per il sottodominio delle unioni tra partner – Laurea Magistrale – Corso di Studio in Interpretazione, Forlì.

Cardinale, Sonia (2020) La legislazione contro la violenza di genere in Italia, Portogallo e Brasile: proposta di traduzione di articoli del Codice Penale portoghese e del Codice Penale brasiliano – Laurea Triennale in Mediazione Linguistica Interculturale, Forlì.

Grifa, Antonella (2017) Proposta di glossario bilingue di carattere giuridico in portoghese e italiano per interpreti di madrelingua italiana – Laurea Magistrale – Corso di Studio in Interpretazione, Forlì.

Terenzi, Lucia (2022) Proposta di termbase trilingue in italiano, portoghese e spagnolo sul dominio del diritto di famiglia nell'ambito delle adozioni, successioni, matrimoni e unioni. - Laurea Magistrale in Specialized Translation, Forlì

Teaching methods

The course will take place through lessons in person in which the topics of the course will be deepened.

During the lessons, ample space will be given to the involvement and participation of students through the deepening of concrete topics.

Assessment methods

The final evaluation expressed out of thirty will take into account the personal work of the student during the course and the written exam which will consist in the translation from and into Portuguese of two different documents specific to the right to family.

Evaluation grid for the written test:

30-28: in-depth knowledge of grammar, accuracy and clarity in the answers. The attribution of the praise presupposes, in addition to the previous requirements, a completeness in the answers, a clear and elegant presentation of the task, the original re-elaboration in completing the answers, and the personal contribution in the theme with the exceeding of the minimum number of words.

27-26: in-depth but less precise knowledge of the grammar contents, precision and clarity in the answers. Less elegant presentation of the task, and less reworking in the completion of the answers and in the personal contribution in the topic.

25-24: good knowledge of grammar, accuracy and clarity in the answers. The overall language is correct even if characterized by some inaccuracy, distraction and error.

23-21: sufficient knowledge of grammar and language not entirely correct. Presence of different errors in the answers, answers left blank, little bigger than the minimum required.

20-18: knowledge a little more than sufficient, even if sometimes incomplete, of the grammatical content with an incorrect and incongruent language. Presentation of the unsatisfactory task, little certainty in the answers, not very original and / or personal theme.

proof not passed: Serious gaps in the preparation related to grammatical content, with linguistic interference, typos, some parts left unfinished, theme with too many errors and confusing, incorrect and inadequate language.

The written test is evaluated through a judgment that must be positive by at least 18 points.

Teaching tools

In addition to the printed volumes indicated in the bibliography, the most suitable tools for automatic translation and for the creation of glossaries will be used, and some videos taken from websites, youtube, thematic channels and TV will be viewed.

Office hours

See the website of Anabela Cristina Costa Da Silva Ferreira


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.