94352 - Intercultural Communication and Pedagogy

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Teaching and Communication of Natural Sciences (cod. 5704)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to offer knowledge related to the consolidation of contemporary multicultural societies, activating reflections on the possible new approach to scientific culture. Its topics deepen the aspects of multiculturality and interculturality, intercultural education and scientific communication.

Course contents

The first part of the course will explore the main concepts and knowledge connected to the multicultural societies. It aims to promote understanding and reflection on new possible approaches for active citizenship. The topics covered in the course are the following:

- globalisation;

- multicultural societies and intercultural approach;

- stereotypes, prejudices and educational approach;

- racism and xenophobia;

- diversity, differences and valorisation of the differences;

- assimilation, segregation and integration;

- intercultural education: construction and evaluation of extra-school learning paths

- conflict management.

Topics will be explained and presented through frontal lessons, however  students are expected to actively contribute to the discussion in order to deepen and eventually change the teacher's planning. In the second part of the course, students are asked to produce group's multimedial presentations on scientific didactic and communication targeted to a multicultural audience. The presentations,   to be discussed and defended in plenum with teacher and others students, could be based on newspapers' articles, films, pieces of news, teaching/learning units and should refer to the theories presented in the first part of the course. This presentation constitutes part of the final assessment.


Bolognese I., Lorenzini S. (2017), Pedagogia interculturale. Pregiudizi, razzismi, impegno educativo, Bononia University Press, Bologna 2017

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons, group discussions, workshops and seminars

Assessment methods

Students choose between the different topics of intercultural pedagogy presented during the course and  have to produce a multimedial presentation connecting them with newspapers' articles, films, pieces of news, or  teaching/learning units. The working groups sharing a common interest on a specific topic are expected to present and discuss their work with teacher and other students. The presentation is evaluated on a points range of 30 and each of the 5 assessing elements could receice a score from 1 to 6:

1. Knowledge of the topic

2. Explanatory accuracy

3. Costruction of multimedial artefact

4. Capacity to interact with the plenum

5. Capacity to motivate bibliographyc selection and expressed points of view.

To this assessment taking place during the course will follow a written examination. The assesement is espressed on a scale of 30 points and each of the following  elements   could receive a score from 1 to 10:

1. Knowledge of the topic

2. Argumentative capacity

3. Capacity to analyse, sinthesyse and interconnect with topic f other disciplines

Teaching tools

Power point and films choosen both by teacher and students, newspaper articles and pieces of news connected to topics dealing with scientific didactic and communication. 

Office hours

See the website of Morena Cuconato


Good health and well-being Gender equality Sustainable cities Climate Action

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.