91819 - Seminars (E) (LM)

Academic Year 2022/2023

Learning outcomes

At the end of their internship, students should be able to plan their research or other intellectual work autonomously, and possess the necessary instruments to work autonomously and in a well organized way in professional contexts specifically related to their academic background. If required, students will also be able to illustrate the results of their activity in a methodologically correct oral or written form, with a high degree of accuracy.

Course contents

Seminar of Ukrainian Language and Culture

The seminar aims to provide students with an introduction to the Ukrainian language and culture. It consists of a single cycle of 15 lectures and workshops and is intended for absolute beginners.

The seminar is intended to broaden the cultural education of the student interested in the Slavic world and is particularly, but not exclusively, suitable for those who already have knowledge of at least one Slavic language and the Cyrillic alphabet.

In the course of the lessons, the student will acquire some basic knowledge of the historical and literary-historical background of the Ukrainian culture and will develop some communicative skills in the Ukrainian language through readings and exercises, conversations, etc., aimed at encouraging active participation.

Topics covered in the lectures, with active input from historians, critics and literary historians, will include:

1. Ukrainian history from its origins to 1900 and from 1900 to 2022

2. Ukrainian language, alphabet and basics

3. Surzhyk, a mixture of Ukrainian and Russian

4. Relationship between Ukraine and other Slavic countries

5. Ukrainian literature from Taras Shevchenko to Serhij Zhadan

6. Holodomor

7. Reception of Ukrainian literature in two countries compared: Italy and Poland



K. Krychkovska, Corso di lingua ucraina. Livello A1-B1, Milano: Hoepli 2018.

O. Pachlovska, Civiltà letteraria ucraina. Roma: Carocci Editore, 1998.

Poeti d'Ucraina, a cura di A. Achilli e Y. Grusha, Milano: Mondadori 2022.

Teaching methods

Lectures, workshops

Assessment methods

Oral conversation

Teaching tools

Multimedia materials

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Ceccherelli


Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.