Foto del docente

Andrea Ceccherelli

Full Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: SLAV-01/A Slavic Studies

Short Bio

Andrea Ceccherelli is Full Professor of Polish Language and Literature at the University of Bologna. His main fields of research are Polish XVI-XVII-c. and XX-c. literature, Polish-Italian literary contacts, translation and self-translation. He is the author of a monograph about Piotr Skarga’s Lives of Saints (Od Suriusa do Skargi. Studium porównawcze o “Żywotach świętych”, 2003) and of the chapters about Renaissance and Modernism in the History of Polish Literature published in 2003 by Einaudi in Italy and in 2009 by Ossolineum in Poland, as well as co-author of the book about Wisława Szymborska’s poetry Szymborska. Un alfabeto del mondo (2016). He is also a translator of Polish contemporary literature (i.a. Cz. Miłosz, Z. Herbert, J. Twardowski, some poems by W. Szymborska and A. Zagajewski) as well as of Szymborska’biography Pamiątkowe rupiecie by Anna Bikont and Joanna Szczęsna. Formerly President of the Centre for Contemporary Poetry of the University of Bologna (2020-24), since 2022 he is the Director of the University Language Centre Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 7193
+39 051 264722

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne
Via Cartoleria 5, Bologna - Go to map

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Individual consultations take place on Thursdays h. 9,00-10,00. Always write to the teacher before, in order to book an appointment. If necessary, the meeting can take place on Teams, in other days and hours too.

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