91659 - Sociology Of Youth

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Ilaria Pitti
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: SPS/07
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Sociology (cod. 8495)

Learning outcomes

The course presents the definitions, meanings, and characteristics of youth, paying attention to the social, economic and cultural frames within which youth evolves. Moreover, the course intends to introduce the main themes and approaches in youth policies.

At the end of the course the student is able to distinguish the main dimensions and dynamics that define youth in relation to different social, economic and cultural transformations. The student will also be able to connect these to the different welfare regimes and approaches to youth policies.

Course contents

The course introduces the main concepts and themes of youth studies and is internally organised in three parts.

The first part focuses on the main concepts and definitions of youth and its study in a sociological perspective. The course will focus on the social construction of youth, on the perspective of transitions to adulthood, on the generational approach and on youth subcultures.

Through the presentation of empirical studies, the second part of the course considers the main contemporary transformations of youth conditions and youth practices in relation to participation, work, gender, and other sociologically relevant issues.

Finally, attention will be paid to youth policies developed at different national and supranational level and at their evolution over time.


Students attending classes should consider as main materials for the exams the texts and slides suggested by the professor throughout the lectures.

The following text is suggested, but not mandatory, for those students who wish to have a basic bibliography:

  • Pitti, I., Tuorto, D., I giovani nella società contemporanea: identità e trasformazioni, Carocci, Roma, 2021.

Further readings in Italian or English (articles, chapters, political documents) will be assigned to students each week. These will be indicated and handled by the professor during the term.

Students who cannot attend classes are required to consider the following text:

  • Pitti, I., Tuorto, D., I giovani nella società contemporanea: identità e trasformazioni, Carocci, Roma, 2021.
  • And two of the following texts:

  • Morciano, D. Youth work in Europa e in Italia. Conoscere per ri-conoscere l'animazione socioeducativa, Meltemi, 2021.
  • Bertolini, S., Giovani senza futuro? Insicurezza lavorativa e autonomia nell'Italia di oggi, Carocci, Roma, 2018.
  • Hall, S., Jefferson, T., Rituali di resistenza. Teds, Mods, Skinhead, Rastafariani(ed. Luca Benvenga), Novalogos, 2017.
  • Leccardi, C., Rampazi, M., Gambardella, M.G, Sentirsi a casa. I giovani e la riconquista degli spazi-tempi della casa e della metropoli, Utet, 2011.
  • Leone, S. (a cura di). Giovani. Identità, linguaggi e spazio pubblico digitale, FrancoAngeli, 2019
  • Monteduro, G. (a cura di). Sotto Esame. La vita degli studenti universitari al tempo del Covid-19. Erikson, 2021.
  • Rosina, A., NEET: giovani che non studiano e non lavorano, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2015.

Teaching methods

The course aims to encourage students' participation, active involvement and critical reflection.

Examples from recent empirical studies and news will be used to illustrate the considered issues, as well as to encourage students to practice the application of sociological theories and perspective to the analysis of social reality.

When possible, the course will take a cross-cultural perspective, with examples from different international contexts.

Assessment methods

Students attending classes will be examined through a written exam at the end of the course and a group essay on a topic agreed with the professor.

Attending students can also choose to complete the exam through an oral examination on the whole programme.

Non-attending students will be assessed through an oral exam based on the outlined bibliography.

Teaching tools

PC, projector, powerpoint slides, articles and documents suggested during the lessons.

Office hours

See the website of Ilaria Pitti


Quality education Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.