48295 - Architectural and Urban Composition

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 0881)

Learning outcomes

The student's degree course aims at the museumisation of some archaeological sites identified within the Italian territorial sphere. The course provides the methodological tools for the development of a system of fruition through an articulated and coherent path of the findings discovered in urban or rural contexts. The historical and archaeological knowledge of the sites combined with the analysis of the material conditions of the finds is a basic starting point. The course is also aimed at the recovery, conservation and protection of archaeological artefacts using structures that are capable of fulfilling their task by meeting existing conservation standards. Students at the end of the course acquire the knowledge necessary to be able to intervene in the complexity of urbanized reality or in any case anthropized, dense with stratification and overlapping.

Course contents

The final degree studio will start the second semester on March 2019, it will ends the first half of July for a total of 16 weeks.

The design studi is combine by - Composizione Architettonica e urbana, 4 CFU = 48 hrs; - Allestimento e Museografia, 4 CFU = 48 hrs; - Architettura strutturale, 6 CFU = 72 hrs; - L'arte di costruire, 2 CFU = 24 hrs.

The research conducted by graduate students will have as its objective the museum display of some archaeological sites identified within the geographical scope of Italy. The research will then give the possible answers regarding knowledge of historical and archaeological sites, the material condition of the finds, recovery, conservation and protection, their use within a specific path and consistent, to the possibility of an intervention on experimental archeology, with the definition of areas of exhibition, the theme of time thresholds, the system of spaces for teaching, testing labs, laboratories and archaeological deposits, the refreshment areas.
Graduating students will conduct research work individually or in groups composed of up to two people. In case of groups students will need to define clearly the contributions of individuals.
The working method consists in daily commitment in the classroom for the development of tables of analysis and design studies conducted through drawings and models coordinated with teachers. The processing is accompanied by the study of sources and critical essays regarding the topics covered in the workshop or indicated by the teacher, through benchmarking projects or projects related to the issues under investigation.
There will provided one or more study tours for taking direct view of the most recent and updated achievements regarding solutions related to the specific topic of the Laboratory.

For further informations of the issues listed above is desirable the participation to the International Seminar on Museography - International Prize of Architecture and Archaeology "Giambattista Piranesi" which takes place in Villa Adriana in Tivoli every year in the first two weeks of September. The Master degree in Architecture of the University of Bologna, recognizes students participating 4 credits. For further information on the International Seminar can be found at www.premiopiranesi.gmail.com


A selected bibliography will be provided during the lessons. Recommended reading:

Etienne-Louis Boulée, Architecture. Essai sur l'art; a cura di H. Rosenau:Boullée's Treatise on Architecture, Alec Tiranti, London, 1953; a cura di L.-M. Pérouse de Montclos: Etienne-Louis Boullée Architecture. Essai sur l'art, Paris, 1968 (comprende altri scritti di Boullée); tr. it. Architettura Saggio sull'arte, introduzione di Aldo Rossi, Padova, 1967, pp. 72-74.

Antoine-Chrysostome Quatremère de Quincy, Dictionnaire d'Architecture, Encyciopédie méthodique, I, Paris, 1789; 2 voll, 1832; tr. it.: Dizionario Storico di Architettura, Fratelli Negretti, Mantova, 1842-1844, voceMonumento, pp. 143-144; voce Galleria, pp. ulteriore traduzione italiana parziale a cura di Valeria Farinati e Georges Teyssot, Dizionario storico di architettura. Le voci teoriche, Marsilio, Venezia, 1985, p. 234.

Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, L'architecture considérée sous le rapport de l'art, des moeurs et de la législation, Paris, 1804; una seconda edizione postuma con l'aggiunta di altre tavole, a cura di Daniel Ramée, fu pubblicata nel 1847; rist. anast; in 2 voll. di entrambe le edizioni: Paris, 1961; rist. anast. dell'ed. 1804: Hildesheim, 1980, Nördlingen, 1981.

Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand, Recueil et parallèle des édifices de tous genre, anciens et modernes, Paris, 1800 (ed. accresciuta a cura di J. g. Legrand:Raccolta e parallelo delle fabbriche classiche di tutti i tempi..., Venezia, 1833).

Paul Planat, Encyclopedie de l'architecture et de la construction, voll. V, parte 2ª, Aulanier et C.ie, Paris, 1889-92 . voce Musée vol. V, pp. 736-746 eMuseum vol. V, pp. 746-753.

Julien Guadet , Elements et théorie de l'architecture , Paris 1901 - 04, u.e. 1929 - 30, vol. 2, capitolo VII, Les edifices d'instruction publique, pp. 327-379.

Daniele Donghi, Manuale dell'architetto, voll. 10, UTET, Torino, 1905-1935, vol.II, Parte I, Sez. V, pp. 1-208.

Luciano Semerani,, Dizionario, critico illustrato delle voci più utili all'architetto moderno, C.E.L.I., Faenza, 1993, voce Museo, pp. 114-125.

Nikolaus Pevsner, A History of building types, Washington D.C., 1976, ed italiana Storia e caratteri degli edifici, Palombi, Roma, 1986, pp.137-167.

Luca Basso-Peressut (a cura di), I luoghi del museo. Tipo e forma tra tradizione e innovazione, Arsenale, Roma, 1985.

Virgilio Vercelloni, Museo e comunicazione culturale, Jaka Book, Milano, 1994.

Patrizia Montini Zimolo, L'Architettura del Museo con scritti e progetti di Aldo Rossi, Città Studi Edizioni, Milano, 1995.

Frances A. Yates, L' arte della memoria, Einaudi, Torino, 1996.

Teaching methods

The teaching of Composizione architettonica e urbana is of 4 CFU of 48 hours. The course will be organized in two parts, the first theoretical research, the second to implement the notions learned in the first through the drafting of a project.
In the first part there will be a series of theoretical lessons and illustrations of significant examples. The lessons will be accompanied by regular meetings with individual students and some collective seminars on the state of progress of the works to which external lecturers will be able to attend. Bibliographies on specific topics will be provided weekly. Students in the first part of the course will be asked to study a museum-based of an archaeological site. I will be then asked to redesign the site by using plants, sections, and prospects to try to understand the existing hierarchical relationships or the relationship between the public places of the city and the archeological site itself. In the second part, the student will have to draw up a project on a certain area allocated for the museumization of an archaeological site.

Assessment methods

IThe LdL is composed of the following modules: Architectural and urban composition, 4 CFU = 48 hours; Preparation and Museography, 4 CFU = 48 hours; Structural architecture, 6 CFU = 72 hours; The Art of building, 2 CFU = 24 hours and the final assessment is developed in a single test.
In order to be eligible for the Degree Laboratory, each student must develop a design theme relating to the specific disciplinary proposed in the "Architecture for Archeology" laboratory, through the presentation of graphical and written documents designed to illustrate the project proposal in a complete way. .
The historical and archaeological knowledge of the sites as well as the analysis of the material conditions of the finds will be verified during their suitability. The final project will have to implement the recovery, conservation and protection of archaeological artefacts with the use of structures that are capable of fulfilling their task by responding to existing conservation standards.
The exercises assigned by the teachers of the different disciplinary contributions will also be an integral part of the final assessment.
For this type of teaching (Degree Laboratory), the Didactic Regulations provide for a verification of the students' suitability to start the preparation of their degree thesis. The progress of learning is monitored during the course of the course, through periodic reviews. Verification of suitability is carried out in a single test, common to all the modules of the Laboratory, placed at the end of the Laboratory itself. The verification aims to ascertain the individual level of learning achieved, in relation to the contents of all the modules / teachings that make up the Laboratory.
The verification consists in the illustration by the student and in the discussion with the Commission of the project documents produced and also includes the verification of the theoretical and instrumental knowledge relating to the topics covered in the laboratory.
The assessment of suitability is based on the weighted application of the following three criteria: knowledge of theoretical content and bibliography and acquisition of instrumental skills (30%), level of depth of the design hypothesis (40%), clarity and effectiveness in the presentation (30%).

Teaching tools

The lesson material will be made available electronically via the digital platform available to the students of the Master Degree Course. Username and password are reserved for students enrolled at the University of Bologna. This material must be printed and delivered to lesson.
The lab's equipment, tables and lockers are available to course students from Monday to Friday at the normal opening hours of the facility.

Office hours

See the website of Francesco Saverio Fera


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.