10438 - History of Photography

Academic Year 2022/2023

Course contents

The course aims to introduce the student to the main historical and theoretical junctures on the transformations of space in contemporary art. This theme will be approached by considering the visual solutions that followed from postimpressionism onward and aimed at overcoming the linear perspective characteristic of modernity. Particular attention will be paid to the abstract-concrete evolutions of the historical avant-gardes and the environmental intervention strategies of the second twentieth century. It will then address the transition from the 'eidetic' space of the early twentieth century to the 'phenomenal' space of the second through an introduction to the poetics of Abstract Expressionism, the Informal, the happening and the environment, up to the experiences of Arte Povera, Land Art and performance. The last part of the course, on the other hand, will be devoted to the explorations made by various artists in the spaces of video and new media more generally, with particular attention to research on the sound dimension and low definition.


  • F. Poli, F. Bernardelli, Mettere in scena l'arte contemporanea. Dallo spazio dell'opera allo spazio intorno all'opera, Johan & Levi, Monza 2016, pp. 13-89.
  • PDF handout downloadable from the virtual course page. This handout will be made available by the lecturer only after the start of class.

    The bibliography is valid for both attending and nonattending students.

Teaching methods

Lectures with multimedia support (slides, pictures, audiovisual materials)

Assessment methods

The test will consist of an oral examination in which the candidate will have to prove that he or she has assimilated the content covered in the course. In particular, language property, argumentative ability, knowledge of the authors covered and general readiness will be assessed.

Teaching tools

PowerPoint, PDF, audiovisual materials

Office hours

See the website of Pasquale Fameli