92915 - Philosophy of History (2) (Lm)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Philosophical Sciences (cod. 8773)

Learning outcomes

The course of Philosophy of History (2) (LM) proposes an in-depth discussion of topics in Philosophy of History. At the end of the course, the student knows the basics of the Philosophy of History, is able to analyse the works and discuss them, masters the methodology and crtical tools to independently develop his research work on topics, authors and issues related to the discipline.

Course contents

In the labyrinth of the Ethics: the geometry of affects

Conceived as a response to Descartes' Passions de l'âme, the third part of Spinoza's Ethics presents a new science of affects, built on new philosophical foundations. The course intends to address its study using the contents developed during the Philosophy of History 1 course dedicated to the first two parts of Ethics: The geometry of power. Although they are two independent courses, it is nevertheless recommended to take both.


1. One of these editions:

Spinoza, Ethica/Etica, testo e trad. a cura di P. Cristofolini, ETS, Pisa, 2014.

Spinoza, Etica, trad. a cura di E. Giancotti, Editori Riuniti, Roma, 2004.

Spinoza, Ethica/Etica, trad. di G. Durante, note di G. Gentile rivedute e ampliate da G. Radetti, Bompiani, Milano, 2007.


2. Critics:

Vinciguerra L., Spinoza, Carocci, Roma, 2015.

Bodei R., La geometria delle passioni, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2017.


3. One among the following:

Deleuze G. Spinoza e il problema dell’espressione, trad. di S. Ansaldi, Quodlibet, Macerata, 1999.

Matheron A., Individu et communauté chez Spinoza, Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1968.

Nadler S., Spinoza e l’Olanda del Seicento, Einaudi, Torino, 2002.


4. One of these:

Mignini F., L’«Etica». Introduzione alla lettura, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2002.

Moreau P.-F., Spinoza e lo spinozismo, Morcelliana, Brescia, 2007.


5. For students non attending lessons, one among the following:

Balibar É., Spinoza. Il transindividuale, Mimesis, Milano, 2014.

Bordoli R., Baruch Spinoza: etica e ontologia. Note sulle nozioni di sostanza, di essenza e di esistenza nell’Ethica, Guerini, Milano, 1996.

Bove L., La strategia del conatus. Affermazione e resistenza in Spinoza, a cura di F. Del Lucchese, pref. di T. Negri, Ghibli, Milano, 2002.

Caporali R., La pazienza degli esclusi. Studi su Spinoza. Mimesis, Milano, 2012.

Cristofolini P., L’uomo libero. L’eresia spinozista alle radici dell’Europa moderna, ETS, Pisa, 2007.

Deleuze G., Spinoza. Filosofia pratica, trad. it. di M. Senaldi, Guerini, Milano, 1991.

Morfino V., Genealogia di un pregiudizio. L’immagine di Spinoza in Germania da Leibniz a Marx, Olms Verlag, “Europea Memoria”, Hildesheim-Zurigo-New York, 2016.

Negri T., L’anomalia selvaggia. Saggio su potere e potenza in Baruch Spinoza, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1981.

Sangiacomo A., Homo liber. Verso una morale spinoziana, Mimesis, Milano, 2011.

Vinciguerra L. Spinoza, Hachette, Paris, 2002.

Visentin S., La libertà necessaria. Teoria e pratica della democrazia in Spinoza, ETS, Pisa, 2001.

6. Commentari (consigliati):

Ronbison L., Kommentar zu Spinozas Ethik, Felix Meiner, Lipsia, 1928.

Joachim H. H., A Study of the Ethics of Spinoza, Russell & Russell, New York, 1964.

Guéroult M., Spinoza, 2 voll., Aubier Montaigne, Parigi, 1968-74: vol. I, Dieu (Éthique, I), 1968; vol. II, L’Âme, (Éthique, II), 1974.

Macherey P., Introduction à l’Éthique de Spinoza, 5 voll., PUF, Parigi, 1994-1998.


Teaching methods

The lessons include both direct and commented reading of texts and the synthetic reconstruction of problems and paths. Particular attention will be given to interacting with students (discussions, short reports, etc.).

Assessment methods

Final interview, possibly (for those attending only) also starting from a text or a track prepared by the student in agreement with the teacher.
During the exam the student will have to demonstrate an excellent knowledge of the readings and, with the aid of secondary literature, good ability to set up historical reconstructions, relationships and comparisons between the authors and the topics dealt with: only this second ability allows to acquire excellent results.

Office hours

See the website of Lorenzo Vinciguerra