54769 - Pedagogy of Narration

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert In Social And Cultural Education (cod. 8777)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - knows the main paradigms of the narrative in relation to representations of the forms of diversity; - he's able to orient themselves in the literary and narratological, knows the complexity of the meanings of the narrative text and knows the landscape of literary genres and narrative; - he knows the categories of analysis of the imaginary and the circularity of the themes and icons in the process of contamination between the language of fiction: literature, film, theater; - he's aware of the value of "care", representation and processing, real and symbolic, played by the knowledge of the history and the stories carried by the user in the quality of relationships and communication even in relation to disadvantage ; - he knows the characteristics of the specific setting of the moment narrator and the main theoretical contributions in the field of psychology, pedagogy, anthropology; - he's able to design educational interventions-training that enhance the recognition of the need to narrate/narrate themselves in setting narrating, through the metaphors of narrative fictions; - he's able to identify the network ties with services such as libraries, film libraries, theaters, laboratories contexts expressive-creative, enhancing the specificity of the language; - he's able to design training courses and refresher courses to the figures of education and cultural mediation; - he's able to design research paths narrating, able to rediscover the narrator of each user and / or group of users; - is able to navigate the form of narrative and propose pathways; - he's able to evaluate the implemented functions care of storytelling and narrating setting in rehabilitation and social intervention projects; - he knows how to evaluate interventions to exchange social / cultural heritage through the centrality of stories where the user is a carrier; - he's able to communicate effectively both interindividual both at group level through the logs and specific modalities of the narrative; - he's able to select and propose approaches to tell and to tell themselves mediated by reading, writing, oral storytelling, acting, etc.; - he's able to use tools of analysis and comparison relating to the content and conceptual apparatus of discipline and knows critically orientate in literary scene, film, theatrical.

Course contents

The aim of this course is to furnish consistent and systematic reflection on the relationship between narrative and education in children's literature. In fact, besides the traditional didactic uses made of such literature, there is a dimension of free exploitation of stories, science-fiction tales, fairy tales, and myths with a powerful educational potential that is frequently undervalued. Stories in all their forms (including picture books, films, comic strips, and novels) are fascinating for children and adolescents, especially when the stories have been chosen by the young readers themselves. Moreover, in many cases they are narratives that can help children to gain better understanding of themselves. The desires and anxieties associated with development and discovery of the world can be better understood, defined, and addressed by children and adolescents when they encounter stories that use different words to relate the same sensations, fears, and hopes that trouble their inner selves. Relevant space will also be given to the relationship between storytelling and social unease (urban suburbs, prisons, migrations). Following a general presentation of the topics covered by the course, analysis is made of certain types of narrative especially significant to, and enjoyed by, modern young readers, such as fantasy, adventure, myths, and fairy tales. The course then explores the pedagogical issues raised by the metaphors, images, and symbols present in the stories considered. Each student will be asked to create his or her own personal study pathway with a view to the oral section of the examination. This pathway must combine careful study of the compulsory texts with selection of one of the four special topics proposed (1- fairy tales; 2-fantasy/ adventure; 3–myths; or 4– childhood, imagery and pedagogy). According to the special topic selected, students will choose the further monograph that they will study, the narrative text that they will read.


Discussions during the examination will focus on one compulsory text, a second monograph for in-depth study chosen by the student and some compulsory chapters. Two narrative books selected by the student will be added to these three critical essays. The essays and books will be chosen by the student from the lists below.



-W. Grandi, Gli ingranaggi sognati. Scienza, fantasia e tecnologia nelle narrazioni per l'infanzia e l'adolescenza, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2017.


- J. Zipes, Chi ha paura dei fratelli Grimm? La fiaba e l'arte della sovversione, Mondadori, Milano, 2006.

- W. Grandi, Infanzia e mondi fantastici, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2007.

- W. Grandi, La Musa bambina. La letteratura mitologica per ragazzi tra storia, narrazione e pedagogia, Unicopli, Milan, 2011.

- S. Barsotti, L. Cantatore (a cura di), Letteratura per l’infanzia, Carocci, Roma, 2019.

- L. Acone, Bambini e ragazzi tra bande e paranze. Pedagogia della narrazione a sud dell'infanzia, PensaMultimedia, Lecce, 2018.



William Grandi, Il sorriso di Clara Sesemann. Narrazioni per l'infanzia e disabilità, in: Leggere l'inclusione. Albi illustrati e libri per tutti e per ciascuno, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2020, pp. 37 – 50


-E. Zizioli, Letture senza confini a Lampedusa, in L. Cantatore (a cura di) Primo Leggere: per un'educazione alla lettura, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma, 2017, pp. 161-170.

- P. Parlato, Le sfide delle periferie, in in L. Cantatore (a cura di) Primo Leggere: per un'educazione alla lettura, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma, 2017, pp. 171-178.

- M. Franco, Leggere (e scrivere) a Nisida, in L. Cantatore (a cura di) Primo Leggere: per un'educazione alla lettura, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma, 2017,pp. 179-188.


- Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games, Mondadori, Milano

- Veronica Roth, Divergent, De Agostini, Novara.

- M. T. Anderson, Feed, Fabbri, Milano.

- J. Verne, Viaggio al centro della Terra

- J. Verne, Ventimila leghe sotto i mari

- J. Verne, Le meraviglie di Parigi, Liberamente Editore, Lavis (TN) 2008.

- E. Salgari, I naviganti della Meloria, Milano, Fabbri, 2006

- E. Salgari, Le meraviglie del duemila, Edizioni Il Formichiere, Milano 1976.

- H.G. Wells, La guerra dei mondi

- S. Westerfeld, Leviathan – La trilogia, Torino, Einaudi, 2012.

- B. Masini, La fine del cerchio, Roma, Fanucci, 2014.

- T. Percivale, Messaggio dall’impossibile, San Dorligo della Valle (TS), Einaudi Ragazzi-Edizioni EL, 2015.

- M. Savi-Lopez, Fate e folletti, Sellerio, Palermo, 2002.

- J. Kelly, L’evoluzione di Calpurnia, Salani Editore, Milano 2011.

- C.M. Barker, The Complete Book of the Flower Fairies, Frederick Warne, London, 1997.

- W. Huygen (Text), R. Poortvliet (ill.), Gnomi, Rizzoli, Milano

- B. Froud, A. Lee (text and ill.), D. Larkin, a cura di, Fate, Rizzoli, Milano

-P. Dubois, La Grande Enciclopedia dei Folletti, Mondadori, Milano, 1992.

- T. DiTerlizzi, H. Black, Arthur Spiderwick. Il libro dei segreti. Guida magica al mondo delle creature fantastiche, Mondadori, Milano, 2006.

- B. Lacombe, S. Perez L’Erbario delle Fate, Rizzoli, Milano, 2012.

-S. Orioli, Fiabe romagnole, Longo Editore, Ravenna, 1991.

- G. Pitrè, Cola Pesce e altre fiabe popolari siciliane (Edizione Donzelli, 2016)

- Jacob e Wilhelm Grimm, Fiabe (Edizione Einaudi).

- W. Hauff, Il califfo cicogna e altre fiabe

- Aleksandr N. Afanasjev, Antiche fiabe russe (Edizioni Einaudi)

- L. Tieck, Novalis, Clemens Brentano, Fiabe romantiche, Tea, Milano, 1988.

- R. M. Rilke, Storie del buon Dio, Tea, Milano, 1989.

- E. Perodi, Le novelle della nonna.

- M. Ende, The Never-Ending Story [Italian title: La storia infinita]

- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings [Italian title: Il Signore degli Anelli]

- C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [Italian title: Il leone, la strega e l'armadio]

- J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone [Italian title: Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale]

- P. Pullman, The Golden Compass [Italian title: La bussola d'oro]

- E.R. Burroughs, Tarzan of the Apes [Italian title: Tarzan delle scimmie]

- N. Gaiman, Stardust.

- Hergè, The Castafiore Emerald [Italian title: I gioielli della castafiore]

- C. Collodi, The Adventures of Pinocchio [Italian title: Le Avventure di Pinocchio]

- H. Pratt, Ballad of the Salt Sea [Italian title: Una ballata del mare salato]

- L. Cantoni Orvieto, Storie delle storia del mondo.

- M. Milani, I cavalieri della tavola rotonda.

- R. Piumini, Il re dei viaggi Ulisse.

- B. Masini, Il libro dell'attesa.

- R. Saviano, La paranza dei bambini, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2016.

- N. Lilin, Educazione siberiana, Einaudi, Torino, 2009.

- V. Santoni, La stanza profonda, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2017.

- A. Fournier, Il grande Meaulnes.

Teaching methods

The course will consist of frontal lectures delivered in Italian. During each lesson the professor dedicates a part of the teaching to collective dialogue in order to process a conceptual map that will allow students to orient themselves in the contents, languages and topics discussed in the meeting.

Assessment methods

Learning will be assessed by oral examinations with individual interviews. Interview is designed to test the knowledge of the contents, the linguistic fluency , the ability to organize information that every student is able to master at the end of the course about the topics discussed during the lessons and shown in the texts.

Final score based on ../30 (18 is considered the minimum to pass the exam).

Inscription to the exam on Almaesami website.

If rejected at the exam, it is possible to have a second chance. 

Teaching tools


Office hours

See the website of William Grandi


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.